Civil Construction Engineering Article Research Paper (Article Sample)
Construction project
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive summary PAGEREF _Toc37935366 \h 4INTRODUCTION. PAGEREF _Toc37935367 \h 5Company name and characteristics. PAGEREF _Toc37935368 \h 6Characteristics PAGEREF _Toc37935369 \h 6Conclusion. PAGEREF _Toc37935370 \h 7Project name and description. PAGEREF _Toc37935371 \h 8THE PROBLEM(s). PAGEREF _Toc37935372 \h 8THE INNOVATION(s). PAGEREF _Toc37935373 \h 10OUTCOMES. PAGEREF _Toc37935374 \h 12POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT(S) ON THE INNOVATION(S). PAGEREF _Toc37935375 \h 13Conclusion. PAGEREF _Toc37935376 \h 14References PAGEREF _Toc37935377 \h 15
Figure 1.1: Macarthur gardens timber fabricated residential units……………………………. 7
Figure 2.1: Demonstration of timber-concrete hybrid composite…………………………….. 11
Figure 2.2: Concrete-timber hybrid fabrication……………………………………………….. 12
First, I would like thank God for giving me the resources and strength for the research work I have done. This is purely my work I gathered from various journals and books I came across that purely dealt with the research topic I was given, which is FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY. I would also like to thank various authors of the research materials I used during my research on this study work. The kind of guidance and comments they provided were utterly important for me in drawing conclusions for my research work. I would also like to acknowledge my teacher’s dedication in making sure that this research work would go to plans through the guidance I was able to get from him.
Executive summary
Many fabrication and assembly companies have the objective of being able to offer high-quality services and be able to cope with competitiveness in the modern global economy. Fabrication involves bringing together standard parts of a tool and using it to manufacture a finished product, for instance, a building. Activities involved in fabrication and assembly include welding, bending, grinding and many others. Fabrication can be done using metal which is called metal fabrication or using timber which is known as timber fabrication. Timber fabrication has been widely discussed in this research work.