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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Medicare Health Insurance Coverage

Are the current health insurance programs and guidelines in the United States effective? Explain why and give rccomendations.

Health Insurance Discussion Post

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Private health insurance is a coverage program that caters to those willing, and can pay hefty premiums either for additional or individual coverage. This insurance program is offered by private insurers who provide plans through employers or directly sell them to individuals via the individual market. A public health insurance program is tailored to offer coverage for individuals who cannot afford private health insurance or are qualified to get health insurance coverage from the United States government. Public health Insurance offers qualified clients extensive coverage suitable for almost all walks of life.

Medicare Health Insurance Coverage

This public health insurance program is one of the most efficient in the U.S. The program allows residents aged 65 years and above, those experiencing End-Stage Renal Diseases, or those diagnosed with a disability to apply CITATION Moo18 \l 1033 (Moon, 2018). Using its classifications, Medicare is well-designed to cater to various patients. I consider Medicare parts A & B as the parent Medicare program since it gives coverage for basic medical and hospital expenses. Medicare is universally different at both the state and federal levels. Any candidate willing to apply for Medicare should research the regional specifications of the program.

Medicare part A is the basic classification of the entire program as it cov

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