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Effect of Labor Market and Regulations on Unemployment (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


please read the article and write what you understand. please include a summary of the article and what you have learned. include apa citation across your work. do not use outside sources for reference. write approximately 500 words.
this is an individual assignment and does not require group work. please submit on time to avoid getting a 0


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Summary and analysis of Yilmaz Bayara and Laura Diaconu Maxim’s article: “Effect of Labor Market and Business Regulations on Unemployment: Evidence from EU Transition Economics
Several works of literature ever written lack coherence about the relationship between the labor market and unemployment. This literature seeks to unravel how different government policies affect the unemployment rate in EU member states. The article issues a statistical report on the labor market and business regulations and how their relationship has led to unemployment in different parts of the EU member states. The article reports that market-oriented business regulation decreased unemployment in the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Poland but increased unemployment in Croatia and Slovenia.
The article reports that the labor market worldwide has been subject to policy changes and that the EU implemented its most critical institutional transformations 

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