Status Quo and the Privileges of Status Quo Bias
A complete introduction with all the necessary references.
What is the Status Quo and the Privileges of Status Quo Bias?
The status quo prejudice is a type of cognitive bias in which people prefer that things stay the same or that the current state of affairs is maintained. This bias has the potential to impact human behavior, but it is also relevant in fields such as sociology, politics, and economics. Knowing how the status quo bias influences your judgments and actions enables you to explore ways to reduce the bias in the decisions you make on a daily basis. In 1988, scholars William Samuelson and Richard Zeckhauser coined the phrase "status quo bias." Samuelson and Zeckhauser discovered that individuals had a disproportionate preference for decisions that maintain the status quo in a series of controlled studies. Participants were offered a range of issues, such as acting as decision-makers in circumstances encountered by individuals, managers, and government officials. According to the findings, the research revealed a high-status quo bias in the replies. When faced with a critical decision, individuals are more inclined to choose the al