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Teachers’ Shortage and How it Affects the Learning Curve of Students

Write a discussion about the shortage of teachers in schools and how it affects the learning curve of students

Teachers’ Shortage in The School System




Annotated Bibliography

Boyce, P. (2019, September 17). The teacher shortage is real and about to get much worse. Here's why. Foundation for Economic Education.

Boyce, (2019) looks at an important aspect of the work environment that is a contributor of teacher attrition in most schools throughout the United States, the high frequency of testing. Testing students twice a month is deemed to be taking toll on teachers and a high stressor of the work environment. Teachers stop being teachers who aim at helping students succeed in life, they become teachers who teach to test which is not the right goal. On the other hand, as more teachers quit, more classes get more students to take care of, more books to mark, more tests to go through which leads to more attrition. More attrition, more work, greater attrition for those who remain to bear the burden. It ends up becoming a vicious cycle caused by challenging environments and changing but unfavorable curricular. This article is important in that it shows the snowballing effect created by the vicious cycle of teacher attrition. More attrition contributes worse conditions that cause further attrition. However, it also chatters the way forward. Teachers should not be controlled but allowed the freedom to contribute meaningfully to the lives of their students by formation of policy and curricular that favors a meaningful learning environment.

Carver-Thomas, D., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). The trouble with teacher turnover: How teacher attrition affects students and schools. education policy analysis archives, 27, 36.

Carver-Thomas & Darling-Hammond, (2019) look at the causes of attrition in schools and pay close attention to the reasons why teachers mostly in the south of America where conditions are a bit wanting have a higher turnover. They observe that the conditions in these areas cause a higher level of attrition. Areas with students of color, low income, special education, foreign language, and subjects like math, English and science. Also, alternative certification and poor administrative support are seen as major contributors. These conditions contribute to a higher turnover not only in the south but in most places where they exist. This paper is important to the research in that it shows the different external and internal causes of teacher attrition. It shows the important of better policy that help prepare teachers for their profession, and provide competitive packages to enable competitiveness for teachers in all areas regardless the state.

Feng, L., & Sass, T. R. (2017). The impact of incentives to recruit and retain teachers in “hard-to-Staff” subjects. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 37(1), 112-135.

Garcia, E., & Weiss, E. (2019, March 26). (PDF) The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought: The first report in "The perfect storm in the teacher labor market" series. ResearchGate.

Garcia & Weiss (2019) take a deep look at the problem of the shortage of teachers in schools and some of the underlying causes or the conditions that fuel the frequency with which the problem is developing. Their research finds that the conditi

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