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East or West, Home is Best

East or West, home is best. This proverb conveys the idea that no matter how far you travel, returning home is always the best option. No one can contest the significance of the house for the following three reasons:

Let's start by asking what home means. Many claim that houses are a combination of marriage and blood relationships. What about people who are not connected to their parents or other family members? For instance children in orphanages and nursing home residents. Therefore, home, often referred to as family, is not the place where you were born but rather the place where you are shown unwavering love and care.

East or West, home is best. This proverb conveys the idea that no matter how far you travel, returning home is always the best option. No one can contest the significance of the house for the following three reasons:

Let's start by asking what home means. Many claim that houses are a combination of marriage and blood relationships. What about people who are not connected to their parents or other family members? For instance children in orphanages and nursing home residents. Therefore, home, often referred to as family, is not the place where you were born but rather the place where you are shown unwavering love and care. My own experience supports t

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