Gyroscope: Precision and Applications
resistors as: R1 = 5Ω, R2 = 4.4Ω, R3 = 7.7Ω, R4 = 4.5Ω, R5 = 4.8Ω and that the source
provides a voltage V = 8.2V .
Theory lab: 05
A gyroscope is a device with a spinning disc or wheel mechanism that harnesses the principle of conservation of angular momentum the tendency for the spin of a system to remain constant unless subjected to external torque.
Working Principle:
The working principle of a gyroscope is based on gravity. It is explained as the product of angular momentum, which is experienced by the torque on a disc to produce a gyroscopic precession in the spinning wheel.
Precision of Gyroscope:
We illustrate the precession of a gyroscope with an example of a top in the next two figures. If the top is placed on a flat surface near the surface of Earth at an angle to the vertical and is not spinning, it will fall over, due to the force of gravity producing torque acting on its center of mass. This is shown in figure of the figure. This is due to the torque on the center of mass, which provides the change in angular momentum.
We can experience this phenomenon first hand by holding a spinning bicycle wheel and trying to rotate it about an axis perpendicular to the spin axis. As shown in figure the person applies forces perpendicular to the spin axis in an attempt to rotate the wheel, but instead, the wheel axis starts to change direction to her left due to the applied torque.
Figure 11.22 (a) A person holding the spinning bike wheel lifts it with her right hand and pushes down with her left hand in an attempt to rotate the wheel. This action creates a torque directly toward her. This torque causes a change in angular momentum ΔL in exactly the same direction. (b) A vector diagram depicting how ΔL and L add, producing a new angular momentum pointing more toward the person. The wheel moves toward the person, perpendicular to the forces she exerts on it.
We all know how easy it is for a bicycle to tip over when sitting on it at rest. But when riding the bicycle at a good pace, it is harder to tip it over because we must change the angular