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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Limited Access to Healthcare

The health care problem that I am most interested in is access to care. I am interested in this issue because I have seen firsthand how difficult it can be for people to get the care they need. I have also seen how access to care can improve people′s lives. I have experience with this issue because I have worked in a community health center and have seen how hard our staff works to provide care for our patients. I have also seen how our patients struggle to access care. I believe that access to care is a fundamental human right and I am committed to working to improve access to care for all people. (This is my point of view) Please write in APA format with at least 5 references.

Limited Access to Healthcare






The healthcare issue that interests me the most is access to care. I'm interested in this topic because I have witnessed personally how difficult it may be for patients to receive the treatment they require. I have also witnessed how access to care can make a difference in people's lives. I am familiar with this topic since I worked at a community health clinic and have seen how hard our team works to offer care to our patients. I have also witnessed how difficult it is for our patients to get care. I think that access to care is a basic human right, and I am dedicated to improving access to care for all people. Access to care in healthcare is linked to the availability of medical services, providers, and healthcare institutions. As a result, it impacts whether individuals and groups within communities can get healthcare services when required. The availability, pricing, and quality of the resources used, commodities, and services in the healthcare business frequently affect access to care.

The community health institutions play a vital role in providing health care. They provide high-quality, low-cost treatment to all patients, regardless of their capacity to pay. They assist some of our country's most vulnerable groups, including low-income persons, racial minorities, and rural inhabitants. Increasing community health center financing would enable them to extend their services and serve more individuals. This would eventually result in improved medical outcomes for our society.

There are several methods to enhance access to treatment, but I feel that increasing financing for community health facilities is one of the most crucial. Community medical centers are welfare net providers who assist some of our country's most needy people. They provide high-quality, low-cost treatment to all patients, regardless of their capacity to pay. Increasing community health center financing would enable them to extend their services and serve more individuals, thus improving the community health outcomes. I think that access to care is a basic human right, and I am dedicated to improving access to care for the whole population. In my opinion, one of the essential ways to enhance access to care is to increase financing for community health clinics.

The Impact of Availability of Services Towards Access to Care

Service availability and access to care are two connected concepts that complement one other. People seek care as a preventative measure or as a remedy for sickness. Living near a healthcare institution improves the likelihood of obtaining treatment. However, widespread availability of referral healthcare services in the region has no impact on the choice to seek care, although increased availability of people and equipment has a beneficial impact. When persons in need of care recognize that they may be able to obtain proper treatment, this indicates that services are available. On the contrary, when a patient arrives at a medical institution readily, but there is no essential equipment or a shortage of skilled staff, service availability is diminished, negatively influencing the credibility of access to treatment.

The Impact of Affordability, Physical Accessibility, and Service Quality on Access to Care

Although service availability is critical in healthcare, other factors such as accessibility, price, and quality services are equally significant in medical care delivery. Only when services are physically available to clients are they helpful. Even if the nurses and physicians are highly qualified, patients would not be happy if they were unavailable in critical situations. Another characteristic service aspect that significantly

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