How to Write an Empathy Essay?

Have you ever felt sad or experienced difficulties that your colleagues also go through, along with their emotional feelings? If so, you have empathy for others. But can you express that empathy in an essay? An empathy essay elaborates on the ability to recognize the feelings of others and the emotional experiences of the essay writer. If you’re unsure how to articulate your thoughts, you might consider finding a service to buy a custom essay that can guide you in expressing your insights effectively.

What are the main features of empathy essay?

When writing such a paper, you should consider the following features:

  • The essay should be in first person narration.
  • It has an empathic task especially the understanding of the thought of the character in a situation.
  • It should have facts and feelings.
  • It should be comprehensive with writers giving more information about a character.
  • This paper should have the proper interpretation of the reaction of the character (content about the feeling of the character).

How to start an empathy essay: Tips on how to start

  • Use the style and language of the character such as the use of slang, form or informal as well as colloquial.
  • Identify the feeling of the character about the subject and those of other characters.
  • Identify special words to use in the essay.
  • Prepare relevant quotations for the main characters or important ideas.
  • Use the first person narration.
  • Apply adjectives in writing and give an honest thought as the character speaks or thinks.

How to create an outline: outline structure


  • Provide a thematic subject.
  • Highlight the first aspect of the subject.
  • Highlight the second aspect of thematic subject.
  • Highlight third aspect of thematic subject.
  • Give reason/thesis statement for choosing the specific number of characters as example to the point.


First character

  • Reason for selecting the character to demonstrate the theme.
  • How the character shows thematic point of view.
  • How the person illustrates the second thematic subject.
  • How the person illustrates the third thematic subject.
  • Summary of the way the character elaborates your point.

Second character

  • Reason for selecting the character to demonstrate the theme.
  • How the character shows thematic point of view.
  • How the person illustrates the second thematic subject.
  • How the person illustrates the third thematic subject.
  • Summary of the way the character elaborates your point.

Third character

  • Reason for selecting the character to demonstrate the theme
  • How the character shows thematic point of view.
  • How the person illustrates the second thematic subject.
  • How the person illustrates the third thematic subject.
  • Summary of the way the character elaborates your point.

Conclusion (Summary paragraph)

  • Provide the synthesis of the essay in a different way.
  • Synthesize the first subtopic.
  • Synthesize the second subtopic.
  • Synthesize the third subtopic.
  • Final statement

How to write a thesis for an empathy essay

When writing a thesis statement, the writer should present a specific claim that supports their empathy. You should clearly state the subject, your position, and the reasons for defending that position. Additionally, outline the thematic points or characters that will be discussed in the essay. Lastly, the thesis statement should appear at the end of the introduction. If you find it challenging to formulate a strong thesis, consider utilizing a thesis writing service to help you craft a compelling and focused statement that effectively sets the tone for your essay.

How to write an introduction

The introduction should begin with an engaging statement that reveals a thematic subject or point. The writer author follows in with the aspects of the thematic position in the order as they will appear in the body. Lastly, thesis statement appears at the last part of the introduction.

How to write body paragraphs: Tips on body writing

The following are the tips for writing body paragraphs of an empathy essay:

  • Provide a clear topic sentence for each character elaborating on thematic point for every paragraph.
  • Give specific evidence to support the point.
  • Provide examples on how the character illustrate the thematic point.
  • Provide a summary on how the character demonstrates the point.
  • Use transitions between the sentences and the paragraphs.

How to finish an empathy essay: Tips on conclusion writing

  • Provide an overview of the essay.
  • Synthesize the thematic points in the body paragraphs as viewed by different characters.
  • Provide the final statement and direction to the reader.

Tips on revision

After completing empathy essays, students should:

  • Read the essay aloud and correct the mistakes within the paper.
  • Invite a family member, a schoolmate or a friend to read the paper and identify the simple mistakes.
  • Follow the instruction of the tutor regarding the format.
  • Run the essay in Grammarly software to correct grammar mistakes, spelling errors, spacing errors and misused vocabularies before turn it in.

Empathy essay sample

Courtship Quarrel

Have you been involved in a drama of a win-win or loss-loss situation? Well, here is Mr. Robson, the father of Sheila a pretty lass who is in love with Thompson. The wedding will take place soon, and Robson is afraid of losing his only daughter. Love beyond care is poisonous. Did Robson allow low-class Thompson to be his son in law?

Mr. Robson:

“Don’t ever dare to come near my family! Crank. You think you can divert my attention and pay attention to your yappy mouth? Love! What about it? You moron get lost!”

Mrs. Robson:

“My dear I beg your pardon. He just wanted to express his opinion. However, his thoughts of meeting you have lowered your social status. Please, can we accord him a chance? Young men of today take time to learn etiquette and need some time to appreciate the elderly. Do you recall when you first approached my dad concerning our courtship? Well, it was a hell you went through.”


“Father, I hate, but I just have to admit that you don’t mean good for my courtship. I have dated Thompson for half a year, we’ve been in college for three years, and I am 26. Dad can I have some peace of mind?”


“Indeed Sheila is right Father. However, she ought to have notified your mood before allowing Thompson to speak out his mind. Meanwhile, I appreciate your concern as a father who wants the best for his family. For now, I will rest my thoughts with your opinion until you permit Sheila to plan her wedding. Goodbye.”


“Sorry sir I never intended to hurt your feeling, but I felt it right to inform you of my plans. However, I need no rush into wedding plans without your blessings. But, it will be a death warrant if I hurt her feelings! She loves her life, and I am exactly that! Will you lose her for good?”

After all, marriage is sacred, and everybody has a right to start a family. Robson won nothing.

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