Writing a summer vacation essay is not as amusing as summer vacations themselves. However, when a teacher starts dumping these essays on you, you need to find a way to help the muse strike and get working on these. Sometimes you can’t even afford to rely on online help for certain tasks. That is when you are on your own. It’s time to let your inner writer out and hone some of these skills so you’re independent and can write the best collage essay about my summer vacation.
We understand that certain vacation essays can be super tricky. However, we want to make writing fun, exciting, and wholesome; hence we are here with some great samples for you. You can get a great idea by reading these pre written essays, and they will help you understand how to approach them correctly. Vacation essays need ideas, skills, and correct grammar to write great vacation writings.
Short Essay on My Summer Vacations in English

Summer is the warmest time of the year, and children love it. It’s a fun and exciting time since they get to eat their preferred fruits and ice cream. They also benefit from extended school closures during these holidays.
The holiday is a key phase for young kids. It is a joyous occasion for them. Throughout these vacations, youngsters can do whatever they want. They enjoy spending the vacations with their mom and dad, brothers, and sisters. Summer vacation is the happiest time in students’ lives because they had a break from attending school for a while.
These breaks are extremely important apart from getting away from the heat. Just after tests, students are completely drained and uninterested in learning; therefore, they require rest to improve their health and effectiveness after a hard year of study.
Everyone begins to learn something during the break, whether they are adults or children. Everyone has their way to commemorate the warm holiday; some like to go on a barbeque with their family, others travel to overseas nations, and still, others remain at home and appreciate it.
Most girls prefer to play racquetball, soccer, and other sports during the summer holiday, whereas boys like to play cricket on the empty ground. Several fruits can only be relished during the warmer months, and these fruits contribute to making the summer vacation more exciting. Drinking fresh berries smoothies and eating fresh fruit in the body produces vitality in the body. So I love my summer vacations.
Essay Sample on What I Did This Summer

If there’s one word that every student loves to hear is “Vacations” because let’s be real, that’s the best time of the year, is it not? The days out almost endlessly before you with nothing like deadlines to meet and quizzes to prepare for on your mind. And if there’s someone who loves vacations more than anyone else, it’s me. And Oh boy, did I have the time of my life the last summer break I got and here is what I did this summer!
As soon as I got done with my exams, the durst thing I did was heave a huge sigh of relief and collapsed on my bed, exhausted from all the work I’d had to put in the semester. After a quick nap (Okay, not so short rest, I dozed off for four hours), I got up and immediately decided to start planning on how I was preparing to spend my vacations. I called my best friend Ali, with whom I had planned a trip since the school year, and immediately started planning and sorting out the details.
We agreed on a trip to the northern areas of the country and began preparations for it immediately. Two of our other very close friends and we were due to leave by the end of the week, and with barely five more days to go got packing immediately. We left by train on a hot Friday afternoon and reached a cool hill station away from the hot and humid city.
And saying that we enjoyed ourselves on that trip would be nothing short of an understatement.
From white water rafting to trekking on narrow mountain trails, we did it all. And before we knew it, our trip came to an end. With a rather sad heart but with numerous memories made to cherish, I came back rather unfortunate that the trip had come to an end but still rather happy that I still had a month and a half worth of lazing around left to do after spending probably the best two weeks on my life up north with my closest buddies.
Now here’s a fun fact about myself. I’m an avid football player, and with my university course load and those pesky exams, I hadn’t gotten much time to play the sport I was so dearly in love with. However, a few days after I returned, the club I played for had registered to participate in a local league, which I was excited about. And in a few days, the tournament kicked off with us cruising through the tournament’s group stages.
In the meantime, I had also decided to start with a new hobby – Baking. However, needless to say, that enthusiasm of mine didn’t last very long (two burnt cakes long to be very precise), and thus I decided to focus my attention on some that were, let’s just say, more my cup of tea!
I also promised to make sure I was productive this summer break, so I decided to start a social internship, much to my parent’s delight. I filled the application forms, and the next thing I knew, I breezed through the interview and was due to start the following week. And let me tell you, that was probably one of the best experiences; working with kids at the hospital was an eye-opener for me as to his we take our health for granted. Seeing the smiles on the little kid’s face would leave me feeling accomplished from inside, and I found happiness in the fact that I was finally giving back to the community.
With my internship ending and the tournament coming to a close as well (which we managed to win, thanks to a thrilling penalty shoot-out in the final), my summer break had come to an end too. And as upset, I was at having to go back to my boring life of assignments and exams, I was very pleased that this summer was one of the finest I’ve ever had. I wish I get an opportunity to experience such times every single year.