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Admission Essay
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Recommendation Letter (Admission Essay Sample)

this paper required the writer to write a recommendation letter for a student intending to join a prestigious university. the letter required information on the student's background, their experience and why they seek admission to the university. a proper recommnedation letter would combine these aspects into a single page that summarizes all pertinent information for the admission board of the university. source..
Recommendation Letter Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Recommendation Letter To whom it may concern, I am extremely pleased to be writing this letter of recommendation for Lowell Jones to join your law school program. Jones is an exceptional student with extraordinary capabilities, and a keen interest in law. His skills and passion for the subject make him an ideal fit for your rigorous law school program. Jones has had exemplary performance throughout his precious years in school, cementing his position as a top student in the last three years. He has horned the ability to understand concepts and easily solve complex problems that would otherwise trouble other students in her class. As a result, Jones has accomplished much academically through his determination focus and love for gaining and expanding his knowledge. More so, his personal strengths further outline his outgoing nature and active role in helping others. Jones has the intrinsic qualities of a leader that propel others to love and respect him in equal measure. He also accepts criticism and feedback from his peers and instructors without any arrogance. Consequently, he is constantly learning and growing by listening, taking note of his weaknesses and implementing appropriate measures to improve himself. Your program would be a perfect fit for Jones since he has ...
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