Annotated Bibliography: From New York Times (Annotated Bibliography Sample) Create an Annotated Bibliography using three of the readings and/or video assigned for Module 3. Below is a sample of an Annotated Bibliography entry for one source. The entry includes the source (in APA Style) followed by two paragraphs: 1) a summary of the source and 2) a reflection on how the source will be used in one's own research Annotated Bibliography Stanhope, H. (2010, August 11). How low can you go: living on minimum-wage in America. American Living, 1, 63+. This article explains the author's experiential research in which she attempts to ascertain whether it is currently possible for an individual to live on a minimum wage in America. After shadowing a waitress, a maid in a cleaning service, and a Walmart sales employee for six months, Stanhope summarizes her experiences and reflects on her findings, including the individuals' relationships with fellow workers and their financial struggles. While my paper addresses single parenting, Stanhope's article is especially effective in the portion of my essay that addresses employment. One of my supporting points addresses the difficulty single parents’ face as they attempt to balance rearing a family while providing financially. Specific quotes from the workers who were shadowed will provide support for my points through real life examples. Further, Stanhope provides scholarly research on the economy and the rising cost of living in America today, which also lends support and credibility to my thesis. SLP Assignment Expectations •Demonstrate the ability to create an Annotated Bibliography.
source..Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Brooks David (2011) Its Not About You. Retrieved 13th Dec. 2014 from /2011/05/31/opinion/31brooks.html?_r=2&
This is a great article from New York Times that provides opinions of the columnist on the challenges that graduates of the America’s colleges encounter on the job market upon graduation. The author explores how the culture and the job market is devastated thus making life difficult for new graduates. The author also explores how self-denial is the best way available way for the new graduates to make a notch in the life after college.
Video Library Programs Telethon (2013). Si pudiéramos ver el corazón de los demás. Retrieved from
This is a Spanish short footage translated in English as ‘if we could see through the heart of others’. The film show the beauty of looking through others as they see themselves. It teaches that it is only when we are able to explore other people’s fears, joys, anxieties and illusions in that manner that we can be able to empathize with them and discover their desires and concerns so as to make a more livable world. It has been well done.
Green D. (2013). More Young People Are Moving Away From Religion, But Why? Retrieved /2013/01/15/169342349/
This is a roundtable discussion about religion of NPR's author David Green with a number of young people aged below 30 years. The article records the answers that those youths interviewed provided as to why a fifth of the youths moved away from religion. One thing that this comprehensive article tries to demonstrate is the commonality of a generation of youths who actually question and challenge the authority of religion in the present postmodern world.
Mackey, M. (2012). The Fiscal Times. Retrieved from /Articles/2012/01/28/The-Take-Care-of-Me-Society-is-Wrecking-the-USA
This article explore how the American culture has changed from once culture of celebrating and inspiring the hardworking and productive to a culture which the author refers as "moocher culture" a term he cite from the title of Charles J. Sykes new book. This moocher culture the author...
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