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7 Sources
Literature & Language
Annotated Bibliography
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Effectiveness of Black Lives Matters Movement in Violence Reduction among Black Communities (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


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Research Proposal
Topics: Effectiveness of Black Lives Matters movement in violence reduction among black communities
Research objective
To investigate the milestones achieved by the Black Lives Matters movement and interventions in abolishment of systematic racism and over policing, and under investment in black communities
Background introduction
The United States has observed increasingly evident evidence of violence against black communities. This alarming trends have brought together collective parties across the US whose purpose is to represent millions of black people with a common agenda to pursue justice for the black communities in the United States. Black Lives is a movement that has since then been on the frontline to combat and counter violent acts, creating space for black innovation. Civil rights for BAME communities have been emphasized through the Black Lives Matters movement and campaigns. However there has been debates over the effectiveness of Black Lives Matters in increasing social justice in policing.

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