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Great Expectations (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
The paper requires 4 sources that discusses the work of Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" and a brief annotation of each source. All the the sources have been formatted according to MLA referencing style
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Great Expectations
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Franco, Anthony F. "Familial Relationships in Great Expectations: The Search for Identity." Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute n.d. 5 July 2015. .
Franco perceives Charles Dickens, the author of "Great Expectations" as an excellent writer who uses his personal experiences for comic purposes as well as addressing evils in the society. Franco sees Dickens work as vital for people of all ages and significant in the modern society. He explores Dickens Great Expectations to find out how it relates to familial relationships today and especially for the middle school students. Franco attempts to reflect on the American society in the nineteenth century and tries to help the middle school students of the twentieth century to understand the nineteenth century English Family life.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Holbrook, D. (1995). Charles Dickens and the Image of Women. Project Muse. Retrieved July 5, 2015, from
David Holbrook examines how Charles Dickens portrays women in his book Great Expectations. He reflects on the life of Dickens as a man who championed the life of emotions that are usually associated with the feminine. He observes that despites Dickens efforts to defend for emotional life, some of Dickens heroines are totally docile and submissive. Also, in his work Great Expectation, Holbrook argues that women life has been associated with death. Also, he sheds light on the relationship life of Charles Dickens with women as mere struggles.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Methias, N. W. (, January 2011). Impoliteness or under politeness: An analysis of a Christmas dinner scene from Dickens’s Great Expectations. Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation, Volume 23, (Issue 1), Pages 11–18. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jksult.2009.12.001
Norice Mathias focus on the politeness and impoliteness as discussed in the Dickens work, Great Expectations regarding a Christmas dinner among people of low class in American society. In his exploration of the issue of politeness and impoliteness, Mathias goes a s...
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Great Expectations
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Franco, Anthony F. "Familial Relationships in Great Expectations: The Search for Identity." Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute n.d. 5 July 2015. .
Franco perceives Charles Dickens, the author of "Great Expectations" as an excellent writer who uses his personal experiences for comic purposes as well as addressing evils in the society. Franco sees Dickens work as vital for people of all ages and significant in the modern society. He explores Dickens Great Expectations to find out how it relates to familial relationships today and especially for the middle school students. Franco attempts to reflect on the American society in the nineteenth century and tries to help the middle school students of the twentieth century to understand the nineteenth century English Family life.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Holbrook, D. (1995). Charles Dickens and the Image of Women. Project Muse. Retrieved July 5, 2015, from
David Holbrook examines how Charles Dickens portrays women in his book Great Expectations. He reflects on the life of Dickens as a man who championed the life of emotions that are usually associated with the feminine. He observes that despites Dickens efforts to defend for emotional life, some of Dickens heroines are totally docile and submissive. Also, in his work Great Expectation, Holbrook argues that women life has been associated with death. Also, he sheds light on the relationship life of Charles Dickens with women as mere struggles.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Methias, N. W. (, January 2011). Impoliteness or under politeness: An analysis of a Christmas dinner scene from Dickens’s Great Expectations. Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation, Volume 23, (Issue 1), Pages 11–18. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jksult.2009.12.001
Norice Mathias focus on the politeness and impoliteness as discussed in the Dickens work, Great Expectations regarding a Christmas dinner among people of low class in American society. In his exploration of the issue of politeness and impoliteness, Mathias goes a s...
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