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Letter to the President (Article Sample)


You have been appointed Chair of the President's Council on Training and Development of Corporations in the United States. Write a letter to the president, presenting him with a recommendation plan for training and development of businesses in your country, for his approval. 
write approximately 800 words long letter

Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Course: Training and Development Field
Letter to the President
Dear Mr. President,
Thank you, Mr. President, for appointing me as the chairperson of the President's Council on Training and Development for Corporations in the United States. I am pleased to present you with a recommendation plan for training and development of businesses in our country, for you approval.
These recommendations are to ensure that all enterprises, both in the private and public sector improve in both trainings and development in various dimensions. Mr. President, I wish to affirm that these plans are in alignment with your administrations strategy and policy on business training and development. I firmly believe that your approval on these recommendations will act as a new introduction to a world-competitive business environment boosting careers, job growth, and wealth prosperity of our beloved nation.
In this letter, I have outlined six important components for reflection that we consider fundamental to your business training and development strategy and policy:
1 Increase Training and Development Funding:
In the last decade, many businesses’ funding for their training and development programs has been declining. Therefore, it has been impossible for the ventures to execute critical developmental agendas and meet their goals in employee training and development. In order for workers in various businesses in our country to remain at a competitive edge, firms should take developing their labor force seriously. They can demonstrate this seriousness through increment in the funding allocation for training and development programs. I firmly believe increase in business development funding will significantly influence change in the running and development of business, for the better, in the next ten years.
1 Training needs assessment:
Firms should base their Programs for employee development on the training and management development needs identified by training needs analysis. As a result, time and money resources devoted to education and development will be aligned to and achieve the core goals of the organizations. The rationale behind training and organizational development programs is to advance employee potential and organizational capabilities. When a business invests in developing the knowledge and dexterity of its workers, the outcome is a more productive and efficient workforce. Therefore, understanding employee-training need is critical as it determines their production potential.
1 Adoption of Employee Management/Leadership Development Training program:
Forecast shows business in the USA has been growing at the rate of 4% per annum. Mr. President, since you came into office in the last four years, this trend has been consistent. We expect the creation of 25% new ventures in the whole of the USA if the growth continues at this rate. To make management employees remain competitive even as new enterprises open up, we should adopt a new approach to employee training. This new approach should consider empowering employees to become effective managers and leaders in the business world. Therefore, all companies should develop a program that incorporates Employee Business Management/Leadership training. Essentially, the result will be a United States with the world leading economy, benefitting of all Americans at large.
1 Employee Age Considerations:
Training and management development programs need to consider that employees in the workplace are adult learners, for them to be effective. Adults need to know the purpose of undertaking particular training. They are self-directed, and they bring work-related experiences into learning-practice. In addition, they train with a problem-centered approach and are motivated to undertake training by both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Those involved in education and development of employees will need to look at...
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