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How to Develop a Tutoring Program (Article Sample)


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How to Develop a Tutoring Program
Most schools have taken up the tutoring programs as a means of improving students’ performance and reinforcing what is taught in the class. Do my essay is popular in schools mainly because students do not really comprehend what is taught in the classroom and hence the need for tutoring programs. Educators need to know which tutoring programs are effective and once they do, they need to incorporate them in the school system for better students’ performance. Below are eight steps to follow in the development of an effective tutoring program.
1 Need Assessment
This step involves assessing the reason for developing a tutoring program in a specific location, school, group, or an individual. It encompasses taking into account the current situation and comparing it with the need in order to identify the gaps that need to be bridged. Needs assessment helps in eliminating any probability of duplication, avoiding inequality and misuse of resources, and lastly identifying the target group, which in this case should be the most vulnerable groups.
2 Define the mission
The mission of any program is the ultimate end goal of the program. All factors that can contribute to the literacy development of the children are considered. The mission statement is the baseline for setting the goals of the tutoring program and its objectives. It acts as a guideline for planners to determine ways in which to implement their designs to meet the children’s academic needs.
3 Set goals and objectives
The goals and objectives act as a guideline for the programs policies and services. Planners should design goal with general terms but the objectives should be precise, clear, and quantifiable. The objectives should be set in a way that they deal with the specifics of the program such as the ages of the children to be served.
4 Creating tutoring program partnerships
Partnerships between organizations are a major contribution to the success of tutoring programs. These organizations should have a broad experience and knowledge on the literacy development of children. In the case of a school, other than the school the other collaborating organization could be a Head Start Agency, a business or a literacy group.
5 Design the program
The planners in this step give description of the ways in which the tutoring programs mission, its goal, and objectives are to be attained. Among the issues to discuss in this step, include how to identify the children that need tutoring, when to carry out a pre and post testing, the tutor...
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