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“Why You Don’t Know Your Mind” (Article Sample)

This article review was written aboute “Why You Don’t Know Your Mind”. Here it was proved that self awareness and mind reading were false concepts. These were the result of five modalities of sensations. Here i mentioned all the facts and reasons of the topic. This was basically focusing on reality and viability which was proved by the theories. source..
Article Review Writer Institution Article Review Title of the article The title of the article “Why You Don’t Know Your Mind” means that people do not even know about the thought process of their minds so they cannot know about others. Three Conclusions * Self-consciousness and self-awareness are the results of five modalities of sensations that determine introspection and mind-reading abilities. * A person’s self-knowing helps to know about the thought processes of others so, these are interlinked. * A person has no full access to his mind so the the concept of self-awareness and mind reading is false proved by theories As the article continues, it explains why a person considers himself confident about his thoughts. Introspection is one of how a person can guess about the thought processes of others depending upon what is going on in their minds. The majority of new findings in psychology prove us wrong by providing new results that counter traditional concepts of self-awareness. It proves that we know little about our thoughts and are wrong about the emergence of real motivations. Lawrence Weiskrantz concluded that our behavior is also based on visual information. So thought process of the brain can be influenced by the different colors. Then Cartesianism describes that our mind is more reliable than any other belief. So, they provided an opposite notion about the psychological process: that this is the only thing in the universe that can be trusted.             New studies have opposed the old ones and stated that introspection and consciousness are false sources of self-knowledge. They provided insight into mind reading and proved that animals have the same ability to read minds, which helps them to guess the future behavior of opponents. But this is not perfect either, as it is impossible to get into someone’s mind and predict their thoughts.             Studies suggest that when the mind-reading ability is applied to ourselves, it leads to self-awareness proving that the mind is unable to detect and predict the behavior of others. So, introspection is nothing but output to the five senses of the body. Due to these senses, we assume that we know everything about others, but this is not the case. The brain plays games with us and doesn’t even provide us with full access, so it is impossible to get access to someone else’s mind.             This article proved that when we talk about the mind-reading of others, we impose the thought process of our minds on them. For example, autistic and schizophrenic patients mentioned that they are unable to perform others’ mind reading and self-reading. It concludes if both concepts are separate then a few of the patients should have shown the ability of self or others’ mind reading. It is mind reading of its own that has been impaired that impacts introspection as well. So, they are linked and dependent on each other. Viability             These theories are fruitful as present evidence has proved these theories effective. It is not only the experience of one person but includ...
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