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Species In The Ecosystem: Different Kind Regulates Ecosystem Processes (Article Sample)


the articles require one to write a sample of the ecosystem

Species in the ecosystem
Ecosystem is a system made of living and non-living components such as water, air and soil. Ecosystem ecologists examine how species of different kind regulates ecosystem processes. The research is enhanced by theories that define the traits of species and form where the ecosystem processes are not resilient to environmental change. Different species are categorized according to their common characteristics and most importantly experiments are done to figure out how different forms of species complement each other to produce the harmony in the ecosystem (Schmitz, 2018). It was widely understood that the ecosystem functioning results from species together producing and recycling nutrients and energy. Scientific discoveries in nature orchestra plant ability to produce edible and nutritious tissues provided the lead and other species provided accompaniment. T
The discoveries were made by studying interactions among group of species that live freely in the meadows which are the predatory spider and the grasshoppers that feed on herbs and plants. The discoveries shown that the grasshoppers like to feed on the grass which is rich in nitrogen when there is no predator but when the predator is there thy stick to their herbs and plants. The outcome only happened when the g...
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