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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks (Article Sample)




How to get rid of stretch marks
Stretch marks are an off color hued visible lines on the skin. These are mainly founds on the stomach, thighs, upper arms, breasts and buttocks.
Sometimes these visible lines cover up a large portion on the skin surface. Pregnancy is the most common cause of stretch marks there are many other in the list of common cause. Sudden loss or gain of weight, heredity factors, stress, rapid growth and changing physical conditions are on top.
The skin is formed from three layers. The outer layer is called Epidermis, the middle layer is Dermis and the deepest layer is known as Hypodermic or Subcutaneous.
Stretch marks are formed in the Dermis or the Epidermis layer when the tissues are stretched beyond their flexible limit due to a rapid contraction or expansion.
When skin is stretched, the normal collagen production cycle is disrupted and it gets weakened. And this eventually turns out to be the visible scars under the skin surface. Initially the color is in a pink tone which gradually fades with time.
Stretch marks make you feel all self-conscious and uncomfortable about yourself and your appearance.
But you can get away with this self consciousness and try out some of the below natural ways to get rid of stretch marks
Castor Oil
It is used to treat a number of skin problem including age spots, wrinkles, dark spots, pimples and crow lines. But what you didn't know wa that it can also be used to treat stretch marks.
* Apply a thick layer of castor oil on the stretch marks
* Wrap the area with a cotton cloth.
* Apply heat with a heating pad or hot water bottle to get the most noticeable difference.
* Repeat this method for a complete month to get desired results.
Aloe vera
The healing and soothing properties of aloe vera is used to treat a number of skin problems. And it can also be used to treat scars and stretch marks. You can apply i tn a number of ways.
* Gently rub the aloe vera gel directly on the stretch marks for about 15 minutes and let it sit for some time
* Rinse off with lots of water and pat dry.
* Alternatively, make a mixture of 1/4th cup aloe vera gel and some oil from vitamin E capsules. Rub the mixture on stretch marks and let it absorb.
* Repeat the procedure daily.
Egg Whites
Eggs are rich in protein. The egg whites are very effective in curbing stretch marks a sit contain amino acids and proteins to remove them.
* Whip two eggs and apply a thick layer of it on the cleaned skin.
* Let it dry for some time and then rinse off with water.
* You can apply some olive oil to keep the skin moisturized.
* Repeat this process for at least 2 weeks and watch the results!
Lemon juice
It has acidic nature that helps heal the stretch m

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