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The Location and Headquarters of UNESCO in Different Parts of the World (Article Sample)


unesco headquarters & locations.
The task was to research and gather information on the location and headquarters of unesco in different parts of the world. each location categorizes different operational values and work ethics that may or may not align with the code of conduct of unesco. explained the role of unesco in all countries.


Title – UNESCO headquarters & locations
Introduction Paragraph –The full form of UNESCO means The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. It was founded on the 16th of November, 1945, in London, United Kingdom. UNESCO's main goal is to focus on the use of education, science, culture, communication, and information to assist in the development of a culture by promoting peace, reducing and eliminating poverty, and developing sustainability. The first priority for UNESCO was to reconstruct schools, universities, and museum galleries that had been devastated in Europe during WWII. 

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