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Book Review
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Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast (Book Review Sample)

English: Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast In “Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast”, Andrea A. Lunsford (the author) explains how she studied literacy among college students and how their writing skills are changing. She extended her study for another 25 years to notice the changes in writing skills since technology has been available in schools. In her research, she uses elements such as types of errors, inference of internet slang, number of errors and length of compositions to compare the writing abilities of students of date and those of the past twenty-five years. In the 8th paragraph, she discovered that the research she and her colleagues have been doing is similar and supports other researchers' reports about learning and digital technology. She concluded that young people pursue their literate activities, with most education taking place outside. She also concludes that digital media has a participatory nature that allows for more literacy development. The passage "First these students were writing A Lot, both in class and out, though they were most interested in and committed to writing out of class...” supports the conclusion (Lunsford,2013). My thoughts about the effects of technology on literacy are that technology is likely to make writing skills worse. In my experience, Twitter, Facebook and texting result in more frequent perfect spellings of words because the computer can correct any misspelled words. The technology negatively affects and results in poor performance of written content or assignments that rely on handwriting rather than technology. However, technology helps college students create and learn to be liberated and productive. It also motivates them to understand their studies since it’s student-driven. References Lunsford, A. A. (2013). Our semi-literate youth? Not so fast. Report. Stanford University, nd. http://www. Stanford. edu/group/ssw/CGI-bin/materials/OPED_Our_Semi-Literate_Youth. pdf. Lunsford, A. A. Our Semi-literate Youth? Not So Fast. source..
English: Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast Student’s Name or Students’ Names Department Affiliation, University Affiliation Course Number: Course Name Instructor’s Name Assignment Due Date English: Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast In “Our Semi-Literate Youth? Not So Fast”, Andrea A. Lunsford (the author) explains how she studied literacy among college students and how their writing skills are changing. She extended her study for another 25 years to notice the changes in writing skills since technology has been available in schools. In her research, she uses elements such as types of errors, inference of internet slang, number of errors and length of compositions to compare the writing abilities of students of date and those of the past twenty-five years. In the 8th paragraph, she discovered that the research she and her colleagues have been doing is similar and supports other researchers' reports about learning and digital technology. She concluded that young people pursue their literate activities, with most education taking place outside. She also concludes that digital media has a participatory nature that allows for more literacy development. The passage "First these students were writing A Lot, both in class and out, though they were most interested in and committed to writing out of class...” supports the conclusion (Lunsford,2013). My thoughts about the effects of technology on literacy are that technology is likely to make writing skills worse. In my experience, Twitter, Facebook and texting result in...
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