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Book Review
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The Golden Rule (Book Review Sample)


the task was about a review on the golden rule, how individuals are governed and guided by the rules. the sample provide the critics and implementation of the golden rules in the society


Journal Summary
The Golden Rule reasoning states that one should treat others in the same manner that he or she expects others to treat him or her. It is referred to as a principle of fairness. The Golden Rule is analyzed through looking at its effects on the recipients and agents. In the article, the author is keen on reviewing the connection that exists between the Golden Rule and philosophical opinions. In addition, the author seeks to ensure that individuals do not wrongfully impose ideas or situations on others in the same manner that they would impose the same things on themselves.
The author goes further to examine the criticisms that exist in regards to the Golden Rule. This is especially the case in the implementation and application of the rule in moral situations. For example, the author explores the use of double standards in regards to euthanasia and abortion. People tend to twist situations so that they can fit their various scenarios. The article seeks to ensure that it eliminates the various double standards that people seem to apply when it comes to the application of the Golden Rule in moral relations.
The article reviews the implementation of the rule in day-to-day situations. The most important things as indicated in throughout the paper is the need to establish the philosophical relationship that exists between doing what one would like others to do unto us. The bottom line is that we need t do good while relating with other people. The article ends with a deep analysis of the abortion debate. Particularly, the abortion debate is used as an illustration of the responsibility of the Golden Rule in the process of legal decision making.
The article is extremely important in the research paper. It forms the basis of the teachings that the pastors and other anointed people of the Lord should rely on in the course of their leadership. It is a moral principle that should be the guide in the homes. It is one of the ways that parents can use to reasonably tell their children why they need to do certain things. Moreover, it is always important to give good reasoning for doing particular things. Hence, having this rule is one of the ways that the leaders in the church or at home can use to explain to the others why they should behave in a certain way.
The pastors in a church are led and guided by the Lord. In the same manner that fathers are leaders in the homes, it is important that pastors follow the ways of the Lord. A family institution requires that certain moral and ethical standards are upheld at all times. It is required that a pastor shall also uphold moral and ethical standards. The Golden Rule acts as a guide in the journal of morality. In the house of t...
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