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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
Case Study
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Strategic Risk Management: Windsome Case Study Finance (Case Study Sample)


advise the Aberdeen based company Windsome on how they can strengthen and foster a culture of risk management within their company across all areas and involving all staff. It looks at the issues at Windsome and evaluates them to give a clear risk assessment report that can be implemented to turn round the fortunes.


Course: Strategic Risk Management

Course code: BSM741

Date of Submission: 4th May 2020

Executive Summary

Windsome can be able foster a culture of risk management within their company across all areas and involving all staff and the risk assessment report that can be implemented to turn round the fortunes. In linking the customers to the right tools, plant and equipment so as to complete their task the company can indeed achieve its mission statement i.e. “Right First Time, On Time, Every Time”. Windsome presents a great investment opportunity if well handled and implemented using appropriate and calculated risks. Its presence in the market since 1977 gives clients and investors the trust of a brand that has stood the tests of time to stand above the cloud. Windsome has at its disposal the potential to grow and dominate the market including having overseas bases; this can only be possible if the strategies outlined are well balanced in decision making (Lynch, 2012). The issues at Windsome of human resource need technology as it will best avoid bulk documentation. Risk governance and relevance of leadership is also very essential and will require the need of having a clear definition of roles and accountabilities. The environments scan of strategic factors and SWOT analysis show of a healthy institution that can cut deals and implement the Perth deal since it will be a boost to market share and future prospects of growth (Hopkin, 2018).

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