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lundbeck Korea (Case Study Sample)


ENGINE" with the following instructions. 
Briefly describe the pharmaceutical market. Be sure to discuss competition, products and patent protection, as well as specifics regarding the Asian Market.
* What differences exist between the general Asian Market and the Korean Market?
• Discuss Jun’s handling of the Korean subsidiary within the context of international management, practice. Be sure to contrast Jun’s management decisions with
Rajar’s decisions.
• Utilizing your understanding of both strategic management and South Korea, what would you recommend be done regarding the management of the Korean

Lundbeck Korea YourFirstName YourLastName University title
The Asian major global economic engine means that the companies that operate in Asia will have a diminished growth compared to other companies in other parts of the world because this has attracted many companies into the economy. There is increased competition especially in the Pharmaceutical products. The Pharmaceutical sector of Asia has been on the expanding trend in conjunction with the regional growth in terms of economy and favourable demographic changes. For instance, the rising income for the households, higher life expectance, increased government expenditure, etc. the number of players in the Asian market, global players and the home-grown players is increasing. The number of companies listed in this industry has risen by 34 percent from 2004 to 2009.
Although there is a slight increase in the concentration of the market of pharmaceutical products, competition in the pharmaceutical sector in the Asian market remains stiff. There are thousands smaller manufactures of pharmaceutical products in the Asian Market thus the high competition. However, despite the competition the revenue for the companies in this sector in Asia has tripled from the 2004 to 2009 financial years. Several blockbuster drugs have become off patent due to the end of patent protection for many of the drugs. This has led to increased partnerships among the big brands and the generic manufactures pharmaceutical firms (Bale, 2006).
In Korea, the support from the government for the development of new vaccines and drugs is growing stronger and stronger and the country has developed as a hub for the global studies that are aimed at improving the clinical services. Korea has the necessary infrastructure to enable clinical research. Korea has proved to be a rising star among the subsidiaries, the Korea country manager, Jin-Ho Jun had two key qualities that Lundbeck required to establish its subsidiary in the new market. Jun developed a satisfactory network of relationships with the major Korean psychiatrists by spending more of his time to socialize with them. On the other hand, the vice president, Asif Rajar, who was a member of the management team of the subsidiary was tasked with the development of a sense of cooperate pride and identity. Rajar was very active in assisting the Asian country managers to run their businesses. However he contributed to the es...
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