Employee Training program in Asiana Airlines, South Korea (Case Study Sample)
Employee Training Program in Asiana Airlines Number of sources: 30 Provide digital sources used: No Paper format: Other: Coventry University Havard Reference # of pages: 5 Spacing: Double spaced # of words: 1375 # of slides: ppt icon 0 Paper details: 1. Please write to my Dissertation put in the \" Dissertation\" file which i upload with this order. Do not make new file, just write in my file please. 2. I tell you what the writer have to write. I want to order 4.0 Research Methodoly / 5.0 Data Analysis, and Conclusion total 3chapters. 3. The Research Methodoly chapter, the writer have to write following my guide. I put in my needs in the file.(500words above) 4. The Data Analysis chapter, you have to search and write about Asiana Airlines company training program. That is my Dissertation main Topic and this chapter write about main topic.(600words above) You have to find minimum 3 figures or charts related with Employee Training program in Asiana Airlines company. In this chapter, all of write about main topic only. Because, this chapter have to write result of my topic. 5. In conclusion, just write conclusion, please.
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Employee Training program in Asiana Airlines, South Korea
This is to certify that the work is entirely my own and not of any other person, unless explicitly acknowledged (including citation of published and unpublished sources).
The work has not previously been submitted in any form to the Coventry University or to any other institution for assessment for any other purpose.
First of all, I would like to thank Auston Institute Management for its support and the supervisor of Business Analysis Ms. Aneetha Sundram and the supervisor of Business Research Mr. Terrence Tan who encouraged me to pursue this topic and spent extra time to help me achieve a clearer structure. I sincerely thank them and am indebted to them for their expert, valuable and sincere guidance and encouragement.
I thank this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to my family my best friends. I place on record, my sense of gratitude to my mom Lee Chae Sook, my dad Do Jong Chae, my sister Do Ji Hyun, my brother Do Sung Wan. And my friends Jay Choi, Kim Hyun Jeong, Park In Sook, Ritty Kim, Kim Hansol, Nam Ji Yoon, and Hwang Eun Jeong. If they did not support me, I would never have a chance to study in Singapore. I sincere thank my family and my friends.Executive Summary
In all companies, employees are the most valuable assets; hence, training and educations forms one of the most fundamental ways to make sure that the company and the clients continue to appreciate the nature of human capital and services offered respectively. Therefore, employee training programs is one of the most important priorities, in addition to offering professional training to employees.
Employee training programs are vital for any company in order to enhance an increase to the global competitiveness, as well as, business performance through designing a well and planned training system which is implemented to train employees at all levels, as well as, managers. Therefore, the most important aim of the training programs is to enhance professional skills that are needed to perform certain functions and duties, as well as, strategic and common skills with regards to organizational and managements, as well as, professional skills with respect to the employees job.
This paper will focus on employee training programs in Asiana Airlines, Korea, with the main objective of identifying various employee training programs used by the company and to evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches used in employee training programs. The paper will also analyze the challenges in the implementation of the employee training programs used by the company. These will make the company to strive to obtain the highest standards of sustainable management through inclusive growth, ethical management, in order to enhance the quality of life for all the stakeholders.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………51.1 Study Background…………………………………………………….51.2 Study Area....................................................................................................72.0 Research Objectives and Research Questions2.1 Research Objectives…………...………………………………………………...92.2 Research Questions……………………………………………………………...93.0 Literature Review3.1 Corporate employee training programs…………………………………………103.1.1 What is the importance of employee training programs?…………………103.1.2 What are the various methods and techniques of employee training programs?…………………113.2 Effectiveness of employee training programs……………………………………123.3 Challenges faced by corporate during implementation of employee training programs…………………134.0 Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………..145.0 Data Analyze5.1 Various employee training programs in Asiana Airlines…………...165.2 Effectiveness of employees training programs in Asiana Airlines…………...185.3 The challenges in implementation of employee training programs in Asiana Airlines…………...186.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...197.0 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………208.0 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………..219.0 References………………………………………………………………………………..25
List of Figures
Figure 1. Types of Accidents Phase……………………………………………………….6Figure 2. Airplane Accidents by Event Phase of Flight, 2001-2010……………………..6Figure 3. What happened with Asiana Flight 214………………………………………..7
List of Tables
Table 1. Employment by contract……………………………………………………………16Table 2. Category of employees by job type……………………………………………….16Table 3. Male/ Female employees as of the year 2011……………………………………17
Appendix 1. Asiana Airlines Cabin Crew…………………………………………………….21Appendix 2. Asiana Airlines Cabin Crew Uniform………………………………………….21Appendix 3. Asiana stewardess makeup training…………………………………………..22Appendix 4. Asiana Airlines Training…………………………………………………………22Appendix 5. Asiana Airlines Training Professional…………………………………………23Appendix 6. Asiana Airlines takes the 2010 title for Airline of the Year………………….23Appendix 7. Asiana flight 214 Crash in SFO Airport……………………………………….24Appendix 8. How it happened Asiana flight crash………………………………………….24
1.0 Introduction
The topic for this business research proposal is employee training programs in corporate, especially those which are undertaken in the airline industry. This proposal also throws light on the methods in cabin crew training domain.
The company for this business research proposal is Asiana Airlines, South Korea.
1.1 Study Background
Currently, this is the age of globalization and usage of computers on a large scale. People from different countries in th...
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