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Upward Communication and Case Studies (Case Study Sample)

1. what could these managers have done to collect and process upward feedback more effectively? 2. How could the company use the upward feedback to its advantage in the future? 3. Nalgene did not debate health advocates on TV or try to change the public’s opinion about BPA. Do you think the company should have fought negative perceptions? 4. How did Nalgene use retail store managers’ and customers’ feedback to its advantage? Did their approach surprise you? 5. What did Domino’s put at risk by admitting its pizza was not very good? 6. How did the company use overwhelmingly negative feedback to its advantage? 7. In contrast to an ‘open-door policy’, why does Purina’s use of Glassdoor and internal surveys work so well? 8. How can employees tell Purina’s leaders are sincere in their desire to hear employee’s voices? 9. What did these organizations put at risk by asking for feedback? To what extent do you believe it required courage? 10. What if the feedback these companies received was even worse? Would asking upward communication still be a good idea? source..
Upward Communication and Case Studies Name Department, University Course Instructor Date Question 1 First, the managers should have gathered upward feedback informally by wandering around departments and socializing with their subjects. This method is highly effective as it eliminates communication barriers between leaders and subjects, provides direct accessibility between them, and allows open and honest feedback. In addition, managers are able to directly observe employees to understand nonverbal cues of communication. Second, they should have created more opportunities for junior employees to provide their honest feedback. The managers were generally harsh and cold, which dissuaded employees from interacting with them. Third, they should have followed through with the feedback and reacted to the negative comments made about them. Employees respond well when the organization values their input and utilizes it in decision making. Thus, employees’ poor confidence in the managers was caused by the latter’s lack of consideration for their feedback. Question 2 The company can use upward feedback to its advantage in the future by creating an open feedback system that allows managers and lower level employees to interact freely without barriers. Employees can express their discontent openly without victimization and effectively influence organizational adjustment. Effective use of upward feedback will create a utilitarian culture, where decisions are made for the good of the majority rather than for the few people at the top. Such a culture will lead to a happy and a highly efficient workforce. Question 3 Nalgene should have fought negative perception by addressing the issue publicly. One of the most efficient ways of disaster control and management is through public relations, which involves communicating the company’s position about a problem and stating the measures that it intends to pursue to rectify it. Failing to address the issue publicly indicated that Nalgene was guilty of public health violations by using BPA in its containers. The company should have come out clearly to defend its actions and then propose a solution by introducing BPA free plastic containers. Although they avoided any disastrous outcome from the scandal, they handled the issue unprofessionally. Question 4 Nalgene’s spontaneous reaction from its retail store managers and customers allowed them to get rid of BPA plastics from shelves and replace them with BPA free products before any public backlash. The company capitalized on this information and became an advocate for BPA free products. Consequently, customers flocked to its stores as they associated Nalgene’s products with the healthy lifestyle they were trying to pursue. This approach did not surprise me because Nalgene’s reputation was on the line as the poster company for BPA use. Changing its stance on the issue meant that Nalgene valued its clients’ views, concerns, and most importantly their health, which forced it to abandon its BPA plastics. Question 5 By openly admitting that its pizza was not good, Domino was putting its brand and reputation at risk. Companies usually hide negative information about their products for fear of public backlash, which could lead to consumers boycotting their products. Thus, Domino’s move to publicly acknowledge the poor quality of its pizza was very risky as it could have persuaded customers to switch to other pizza companies. Question 6 Domino used the negative feedback as a marketing strategy to inform consumers that it cares about their opinions and tastes. Consequently, the company used the information it collected from consumers to experiment with a wide range of recipes until it got the right one. In addition, the willingness to retain the negative comments on public forums was very strategic as it generally raised curiosity and awareness among the public. The people wanted to know what the company was going to do about its flavorless pizzas. Domino capitalized on this free publicity by creating an amazing product, which allowed it to win customers back. Question 7 Purina’s use of Glassdoor and internal surveys works so well because employees are encouraged to comment about the direction the company is taking. The surveys are done anonymously, which ensures that employees provide their honest opinions about the company without fear of being known. Driven by a desire to improve the company, most employees provide qualitative comments about the company. Some offer praises when the company is on the right trajectory, while others point out problems and make suggestions about how to address them. The company then takes advantage of the valuable information from Glassdoor’s...
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