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Evaluation of the Due Diligence Process and Assessment of how Angle Investors assess the Company (Coursework Sample)
For this week's forum, evaluate the due diligence process. Also, assess how angel investors assess the company.
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For each forum assignment, you are responsible for the following:
1. Submit an essay (at least 250 words) - posting it inside the forum for feedback and comments by your classmates.
2. Respond to at least two of your classmate's forum posts in the subthread section of the Forum.
Your responses to your classmates(s) constitute a portion of your Forum grade, so be sure that they are meaningful responses that contribute to the overall quality of the weekly forum.
Evaluation of the Due Diligence Process and Assessment of how Angle Investors assess the Company
Institutional Affiliation
Evaluation of the Due Diligence Process
Due diligence is a thorough assessment of material information related to an investment or transactions. Most buyers carry out the due diligence process before the completion of a business purchase. The entire process involves asking and answering some questions to evaluate commercial and legal features of the opportunity. There are three stages of the due diligence process namely:
* Screening due diligence
* Business due diligence
* Legal due diligence
Screening due diligence
Business enterprise funds review some business opportunities for the whole life of funds and use a certain criteria to identify the opportunities that can be focused on and predicted investments (Camp, 2002). This allows identification of the opportunities that are important and which require more money and time to evaluate. Typically, most of the opportunities fail to pass through the screening process due to two reasons:
* The chance being unable to fit the mandate of the funds.
* Other funds will only evaluate opportunities that come after an appointment email from trusted sources
Business due diligence
After the determination of an opportunity that can suit the investment criteria of the funds, the contract is assigned to a member of the team who will carry further investigations...
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