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Online Marketing Limited (Coursework Sample)


The task required formulation of a business requirement document for an Online Marketing Limited - Database warehousing project. The sample paper provides the structure of the required document and the various aspects of the project that should be taken into consideration.


Business Requirements Document
Online Marketing Limited - Database warehousing project
Business Requirements Document
Project Overview
The project plan for this data warehousing project will offer an intuitive definition of the project, the projects, goals, scope and objectives of the project. The plan also works as an agreement or contract between the parties involved in this project including Project Sponsor, Computer Support Specialist, System Analyst, Information System Manager, Chief Information Officer, the Project Team, and all other personnel who will be involved in, affect by, or associated with this project.
Background including current process
Online Marketing Limited offers Information Technology services to its clients including expert advice regarding mobile advertising and affiliate marketing, especially in area where there exists special emphasis on cost per action and revenue sharing. It offers these services to private and public institutions. The type of marketing includes search analytics, Pay per Click, web analytics and Cost per Click. However, Online Marketing Limited intends to implement additional products including email marketing, content marketing, native advertising, SEO, referral marketing and social media marketing.
This project is thus aims at developing a data warehousing technology that would enable collection of data and online research through web analytics. The project goal is to improve and expand the current data transfer and data warehousing technologies, while at the same time develop and acquire relevant and adequate technology that would make email marketing, content marketing, native advertising, SEO, referral marketing and social media marketing possible.
The IT roles for this project include technical support-solving and addressing computer user-issues, system analysis-monitoring swiftly and efficiently the computer functions, provision of software products, troubleshooting, programming and development of any necessary software.
Scope of Project
This project, as has been noted, deals with ensuring efficient data warehousing, retrieval and data transfer. It proposes to offer quality services with regards to data collection, warehousing, transfer and retrieval to clients beyond the current and contemporary standards. It hopes to improve and increase the current database capacity to ten terabyte by at least 20 percent annually.
In order to ensure that the project is delivered on time within the set deadline, only the following application will be implemented: Databases, Cloud Technology, Security Infrastructure applications, Web Analytics interfaces and Data Warehousing.
These websites are considered part of the application: Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Process Re-engineering
Re-engineering will include the reengineering of the existing database, on-site and off-site web analytics, and search analytics.
Customizations will be limited to the database and various user interfaces that will be implemented.
The interfaces to be included will include those that will enable Data communication, integration of different systems, HR development information, networking, and common follow-up information. Additionally, interfaces that will enable and allow information comparison and analysis, performance analysis, statistical data analysis will also be included.
Only important data and volumes for the last two years will be considered for conversion:
The testing in this project will entail both technical functionality testing and usability testing.
The funding for this project is limited to internally designated for the project
Training and Education
The Training and education process of the personnel will only be limited to troubleshooting, maintenance, and the use of the data and system.
Constraints and Assumptions
The following constraints have been identified:
Failure to identify any changes in the draft deliverables may result in project delays and missing of project deadlines
Different explicit and implicit costs exist in a data warehouse project such as implementation costs, administrative costs, software, and hardware costs.
Data relevance
Lack of a high enough commercial support within the corporate ladder
Lack of enough people from the user community who will be included in the requirements collection process and the development phase
The following suppositions have been made in outlining the scope, goals and approach:
The project team members will strictly follow and adhere to the project communication plan
Upper and the mid management team of Online Marketing Limited will buy into and support the project objectives and goals
There would be continued advancements in technological infrastructure that would be able to support new and advanced mobile technology
All of the stakeholders in the project will abide by the principle set that have been outlined in this plan
The managing committee will participate in the complete and on-time implementation of the project by, for instance, ensuring that approval cycles and meetings are timely.
The customers/clients data requirements that they initially asked for are what they actually want – user requirements will not change in the course of the project
The following risks have been considered as likely to affect the progression of this project:
A project management team that has never before handled a data warehousing project before and insists that it is to be done more like a transaction system project is handled.
In-fighting within the project team might also result in unnecessary delays
Indecisiveness regarding the nature of the database, whether it should be aggregation oriented or transaction oriented.
Lack of understanding of the needs of the organization with regards to a data warehouse, especially, how the data warehouse helps the organization achieve its objectives
Failure to including a data quality project as an important part of the data warehouse implementation. This implies that, in the event that users lack confidence in the answe...
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