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System Requirement Of An Engineering Project (Coursework Sample)


This task was an ongoing coursework assignments for a client. this was the second assignment from the client, and he preferred me to do his paper. The paper was about the system requirement of an engineering project and his description. The instructions were given, and I followed the given details and directions provided by the client


Problem Statement
Businesses and households observe their valuables being accessed far too often by intruders. Since they depend on a traditional security camera to capture the occurrence, they can only respond after the fact. This might result in the firm or household losing all or a portion of their net worth. With just minimal security cameras in place, valuables may be badly damaged or stolen, and lives can be endangered if individuals are present during a break-in. Security is a significant matter that should be treated carefully. Project Sight would help consumers by enhancing security monitoring via the use of Artificial Intelligence vision. Users will be able to fine-tune their security by configuring warnings and settings and using AI capabilities to manage access and quality assurance. Homeowners may profit from this technology by getting notifications when guests enter their property, whether they are there or not. If an intruder is spotted, the owner is alerted instantly and asked to contact the police through the mobile app. This has enormous advantages for the user since they are no longer have to wait to respond owing to insufficient security mechanisms; they may be warned immediately. This might improve quality assurance for firms by indicating a phase in the manufacturing process that could result in a recall or litigation. Additionally, Project Sight would enable the user to utilize AI to disregard predicted distractions, such as a pet or caretaker patrolling the property at any given moment. Project Sight is designed for people who wish to increase their security awareness and take action before significant harm occurs.
Technology Solution
Project Sight will efficiently enable consumers to engage with their security and preferences to secure their assets using AI vision. The issue statement will be addressed entirely by Project Sights' capacity to adjust user preferences and settings. This service will address the issue of "record-only" security monitoring and provide customers with the ability to respond to threats. Rather than allowing asset-threatening events to occur, Project Sight will intervene on the scene and, depending on the system setup, will be able to warn authorities immediately upon detection of an assault. Additionally, Project Sight will enable global and local connections among Sight users through conversation threads for diverse groups. This enables communities and companies who use Project Sight to communicate about potential dangers and allows for continuous system configuration and upgrades.
Fact-Finding Techniques
For the Sight project, we concentrated on three distinct sorts of fact-finding procedures. The first approach we used was fundamental research. This is an excellent strategy since we were able to locate documentation for several security applications and get positive comments from our investigation. For instance, we determined what users liked and hated about the Ring app by researching their presence in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. We were able to do research and use existing documentation to determine the sorts of business processes that project Sight would have and how and who would manage those services. The following approach would be the interview technique. This is a critical approach since it enables a face-to-face dialogue to collect additional information documented in writing. We conducted an unstructured interview approach that allowed for "loose" and "free-flowing" discourse. This allowed us to unearth the information we were searching for while also enabling the prospective user to provide extra information and facilitate the process of discovery. The third fact-finding tool that we discussed was observation. This enabled us to assess the present condition of the different technological models deployed as part of the Sight project. To begin, we were able to watch OpenCv's AI vision technology in action. This would enable us to completely comprehend the varied capabilities of the AI technology in terms of what it can detect and how rapidly it can analyze the picture in its present condition in real-time. Following that, we were able to examine the market's existing technological solutions. The "ring" system is the most direct opponent at the moment. We examined which features were available to their users and how the system and user interacted. We were able to determine the qualities that would be most critical in bringing project Sight to life using all three distinct fact-finding strategies.

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