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Chapter Summary for The Handbook for School Safety and Security (Coursework Sample)


The coursework paper was about making of a 200-300 summary for specific chapters using the book, The handbook for school safety and security: Best practices and procedures. Butterworth-Heinemann by fennelly and perry (2014). The sample covers summaries for chapters 15, 16, and 17. The writer was supposed to give a question at the end of each chapter summary to stimulate discussion and the desire for further research.


Chapter Summaries
The Handbook for School Safety and Security
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 15
In this chapter, the authors cover emergency management mechanisms that can be used to foster a healthy and safe learning environment. Schools can make the school atmosphere safer by collaborating with the district staff, mental and public health, first responders, and community and government partners in developing an EOP (Emergency Operations Plan) that suits the needs of their infrastructure. The EOP should elaborate on the needed actions that can protect the public, students and faculty from potential threats. It should assist decision makers and administrators prepare for the best ways of responding to an emergency, individual responsibilities and roles.
The preparedness must have prevention, mitigation, protection, response and recovery aspects that should align with an incident timeframe (before, during, and after the incident). Prevention, protection and mitigation should be employed before a threat while response during an incident and recovery after an incident. The EOP should be transparent and automated using the recommended NIMS procedures. The authors propose the use of the Incident Command System that offers a standardized approach to managing an incident. The planning stage entails creating an emergency team, pinpointing hazards and threats, determining objectives and goals, structuring an emergency plan, and understanding the community's emergency structure, communication channel layout, and evacuation plans, among others. The plans must be in line with

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