Is the Present Educational System Capable of Creating Geniuses? (Coursework Sample)
We would like you to write a short essay on the topic: Is the present educational system capable of creating geniuses? (Include at least one academic source, use APA 7th edition, word count 500 words +-10%).
Please, make sure it corresponds to the following requirements:
- At least 500 words long
- 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial
- Double-spaced
- 1-inch margins on all sides
Your sample paper will be evaluated based on structure, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and flow of ideas.
Please, make sure all the sources are properly cited. We do not tolerate plagiarism in any form.
Is The Present Educational System Capable Of Creating Geniuses?
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Is The Present Educational System Capable Of Creating Geniuses?
Geniuses are not made; they are born. For instance, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Nikola Tesla were all certified born geniuses who dropped out of school since it limited their abilities. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, a genius is "a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic, or has a very high level of skill, especially in one area." Therefore, being a genius is not scoring highly on the mandated standardized tests. It is not performing good well and getting a highly-paying white collars job. Instead, a genius exemplifies outstanding creativity and giftedness. Such a person is dexterously innovative and a divergent thinker who sees problems as opportunities for innovation and creating something outside the norm. The current education system erodes this ability. Sadly, most children are born creative geniuses but slowly lose this trait from age five when they enroll in school. The current education system is a human factory designed to produce worker bees for the governments' economic machinery. Thus, the present education system cannot create geniuses since they are not created but born; it prepares students to pass mandated standardized tests and not become autonomous, creative, and divergent thinkers.
The modern education system is flawed in methodology, approach, and curriculum. It does not teach students how to be autonomous or creative. Rather, it prepares them to ace standardized tests and exams. Teachers are robots instructed by government organs and policies, such as the Common Core Curriculum and the No Child Left Behind Act, to instruct
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