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Orgnizational Behavior Literature & Language Coursework (Coursework Sample)


The task required me to relate the concepts of diversity in organizations and job satisfaction and attitude to organizational behavoir.


Employee Behavior in Organizations
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Robbins and Judge (2017) define organizational behavior as an area of study that explores the effect that people, groups of people and organizational structure have on behavior within organizations.
Diversity. Hur et al. (2017) define diversity as demographic measures for example race, gender, age, religion ethnicity, and disability status. The majority of current workplaces entail broad work in group settings. When working together, people need to communicate often and establish a common perspective of not only looking at tasks but also accomplishing them. For example, if some employees feel little sense of belonging and cohesion in their groups, their performance is likely to suffer. According to Robbins and Judge (2017), while demographics like ethnicity, race, and gender do not affect performance, intelligence and conscientiousness of employees lead to higher performance. Groups of people who have diverse expertise and educational training are more productive as compared to groups of people with the same attributes.

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