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Thematic Poem about Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine Film (Coursework Sample)

VIEW Klein's Shock Doctrine Film WRITE A THEMATIC POEM BASED ON THIS FILM source..
Thematic Poem about Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine Film Name Institution Thematic Poem about Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine Film Tumultuous 1950s’ America, Center, University of Chicago, Milton Friedman, luminary, Fathers neo-liberal thought, Neo-conservative ideology to boot, Disaster capitalism doctrine planted, Employed by zealous CIA, Enriched notorious sensory denial tests, Electroshock test guiding light, Guantanamo Bay torture blueprint, Friedman clones take over Washington, Preach, practice disaster capitalism, Doctrine progressively watered, nurtured. Through shock doctrine ideals, Disaster capitalism later relived, 1973, Chile, Augusto Pinochet ouster, 1982, Falklands War, 1989, Tiananmen Square Massacre, 1991, Soviet Union crumple, 1997, Asian Financial disaster, 1998, Hurricane Mitch after affairs,    2003, Iraqi civil war, Shell and BP oil engorged, 2001, War on Terror outsourced, Halliburton and Blackwater reap benefits, 2004, Asian tsunami, Tourist resorts plunder beaches, 2005, Hurricane Katrina (Online Video Guide, n.d.), New Orleans’ residents disenfranchised, Schools rudely padlocked, Public housing schemes shut, Public hospitals killed, Shock doctrine mondus operandi, Huge manmade communal shocks, Terror attacks, wars that is, Enormous natural collective shocks, Tsunamis, earthquakes such as Citizens disoriented Stealthily, surreptitiously, Big Brother pounces, With big stick, iron fist, Pushes suggestions down throats, Proposals meekly admitted by victim, Scheme christened economic shock therapy, Unwilling victims endure Big Brother, Resistance ruthlessly dealt with, Opposing personalities sacrificed to Expediency, Big Brother’s e...
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