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Psychology (Coursework Sample)

This is a short essay assignment with a mixture of multiple-choice/short answer and essay questions that cite evidence or research to explain/support your answer. Your essay answers must be in your own words with paraphrasing properly source credited. Quotes in lieu of answering in your own words will not receive points. Please submit your responses as a Word document (.docx file). Make sure to number your responses so your instructor will know where one response ends and the next starts. It is not necessary to rewrite each question in your document. For multiple choice questions, CLEARLY indicate your response (a, b, c, or d) so that your instructor does not have to search and try to determine your response in your short answer explanation. Each response is worth 20 possible points. Please see the attached Rubric for the grading schematic that will be used to evaluate your responses. Your responses should be approximately one-half page each (double-spaced) for a total of three pages (not including Title and References Pages if you choose to include them). Ch 1 1. Find journal articles that report observational, correlational, and experimental research designs. Specify the research design, the research hypothesis, and the conceptual and measured variables in each design. 2. Consider the following variables that might have contributed to teach of the following events. For each one, (a) propose a research hypothesis in which the variable serves as an independent variable and (b) propose a research hypothesis in which the variable serves as a dependent variable. • Helping • Aggression • Prejudice • Liking another person • Life satisfaction Ch 7 3. Write a paragraph that expresses your opinions about the Holocaust or about another example of obedience to authority. Consider how social psychological research on obedience informs your interpretation of the event. 4. Consider a leader whom you have worked with in the past. What types of leadership did that person use? Were they effective? 5. Choose a recent event that involved a very effective leader or one that involved a very poor one. Analyze the leadership in terms of the topics discussed in this chapter. Weekly Short Essay: Week OneWeekly Short Essay: Week One source..
Short Answers and Essay Name Affiliation Course Professor Date 1 Journal Articles Report Observational Example Link to study: The study introduces the interest in loneliness at certain part of life. The purpose of the research is to answer the question of if an individual relationship states is influence by the romantic loneliness. It accesses the status and loneliness and element of satisfaction between individual that are single and those in relationships. Research Design: The research design was observation since it observes the behavior of partnered and single behavior and level of romantic loneliness. Research Hypothesis: The primary hypothesis is that relationship will have direct effect on romantic loneliness while single individual will have increased romantic lowliness. Conceptual and Measured Variables: The level of loneliness is a conceptual measure of the satisfaction levels between partnered and single individuals. It implies that the measured values between partnered and single are the life satisfaction and the direct and indirect impact they have on a person level of loneliness. * The independent variable was relationship status (partnered and single). * The dependent variable was life satisfaction. 2 Consider the following variables that might have contributed to teach of the following events. For each one, (a) propose a research hypothesis in which the variable serves as an independent variable and (b) propose a research hypothesis in which the variable serves as a dependent variable. Helping * An increase in behavior that is helpful will result to a positive self-confidence and awareness. * Intervention for pro-social behavior awareness will improve helping behavior. Aggression a. Increased behavior aggressiveness will result to low quality of family relationship. b. Playing violent videogames for a long time will increase children aggressive behaviors. Prejudice * Increased prejudice results in acquiring discriminatory behaviors against people of color. b. Exposure to social stereotypes on people of color will increase prejudice behavior. Liking another person * Liking another person will improve positive behavior and image about that person. * A person increased helping behavior influences another person likeness towards them. Life satisfaction * Increased life satisfaction among the elderly reduces depression risks. b. Frequency of autobiographic story and social life increases life satisfaction among the elderly. 3. Write a paragraph that expresses your opinions about the Holocaust or about another example of obedience to authority. Consider how social psychological research on obedience informs your interpretation of the event. My interpretation is that most people conform when they find themselves in situations that make them feel outcast when they fail to accept the majority's opinions and ideologies. The obedient of authority is strong when it comes to conformity, mostly when people of power present ideologies or commands. Power and self-desire are factors that make people obey an individual in authority and support them if their beliefs and goals align with one another (Jhangiani & Tarry, 2022). In the Holocaust, soldiers in charge of exterminating Jews were disgusted by their role, but since the majority of their colleagues did it, the fear of being labeled a traitor or opposing the Nazis was shunned. The social circle also made them conform since they had no option but to obey. The generals that were later arrested for the holocaust indicated that they were following orders and could do nothing except kill the Jews since the authority and power of the Nazi regime could also label them as outcasts. Therefore, the power of people with authority leads them to be obedient when the circumstances do not leave them with a choice but rather to follow and when the orders align with their beliefs or share common goals.     1 Consider a leader with whom you have worked in the past. What types of leadership did that person use? Were they effective? A leader with whom I have worked demonstrated democratic leadership. A democratic leadership style is a leadership quality that is effective since it encourages each person involved to participate in all processes (Sulismadi, 2020). The leader encourages them to share their ideas and opinions and understand that they are respected and that their feedback counts in the organization. I worked at a fast food restaurant, and the leader encouraged us employees to engage with customers and managers and provide feedback. Each team member was asked to provide issues that they are facing while working, identify areas that are difficult or challenging, and report them so that the management can use the information to make changes. The democratic leadership at the workplace was effective, as the manager was able to increase overtime wages and bon...
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