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Software Change Request (Coursework Sample)
Designing an Effective System Enhancement Change Request Form
Software Change Request (SCR) Form
Software Change Request (SCR) Form
A software/system enhancement change request is a document that contains request for adjustments of a software or system. This document contain several components but an effective request form should contain the following important components;
(In the first section the form) Change Request ID, the Customer ID or what is referred as the Peregrine Number which is the unique number the Change Management System assigns the requester meant be used in all communications relating to the changes. In addition,
Date Requested and Date Planned should also be included in this section (Reifer, 2012).
These components are important because they provide the Change Management System with important specifications about which particular software or system is being requested to be changed and also in planning to include the request in a time schedule.
(In the second section of the form) In this section the form should include whether the change is mandatory or optional. The change type which is often selected from the domain should also be included in this section. This components are important because they describe what is to be done so as the Change Management System can consider the ground for implementing the change request (Reifer, 2012).
(Third section) Description Of Change/Change Abstract – This is a piece of description that provides justification for the requested change. A small narrati...
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