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ZnO Nanorods’ And Thin Films’ Characterization For Solar Cell Uses (Coursework Sample)


this study sought to establish experimental features for the hydrothermal and electrodeposition of most effective use of thin films nanorods in ZnO electrodes plus their characterization in the application of solar cells, by taking into consideration electrodeposition and hydrothermal techniques; characterization of solar cell engaging impedance spectroscopy as well as; solar cell's light trapping


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There has been a comprehensive study concerning the application and physical qualities of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanostructures over the last 10 years or so. The proposed study intends to establish experimental features for the hydrothermal and electrodeposition of most effective use of thin films nanorods in ZnO electrodes plus their characterization in the application of solar cells, by taking into consideration electrodeposition and hydrothermal techniques; characterization of solar cell engaging impedance spectroscopy as well as; solar cell’s light trapping. The technological advancement in design of solar cells aims at cost reduction as well as competing with conventional power generation. The modern inventive solar technologies are inclusive of polymer cells and nanostructure solar cells, both defined by organic materials having limited lifetime.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc456700119 \h 2Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc456700120 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc456700121 \h 41.1 Solar power generation PAGEREF _Toc456700122 \h 41.1 Research Objectives PAGEREF _Toc456700123 \h 41.2 Goal of the proposed study PAGEREF _Toc456700124 \h 51.3 Research questions PAGEREF _Toc456700125 \h 52.0 Review of related Literature PAGEREF _Toc456700126 \h 62.1 Solar cell characterization PAGEREF _Toc456700127 \h 62.2 Impedance spectroscopy PAGEREF _Toc456700128 \h 63. Methodology: PAGEREF _Toc456700129 \h 73.1 Hydrothermal methodology PAGEREF _Toc456700130 \h 73.1.1 Characterization PAGEREF _Toc456700131 \h 73.2 Electrodeposition methodology PAGEREF _Toc456700132 \h 74. Structure of the proposed study PAGEREF _Toc456700133 \h 8Reference List PAGEREF _Toc456700134 \h 9
1.1 Solar power generation
With the escalating need for clean energy, electrical engineers and power production firms have opted solar cells as the primary energy generation device (Callahan, M et al. 2011). Utilization of solar cells in conversion of energy from the sun into electricity has become very common although the prevailing generation cost is extremely high to offer large-scale competition with CO2 energy sources. Based on this argument, researchers within the field of electrical engineering have extensively focused on improvising techniques to enhance the efficacy of prevailing solar cells besides devising novel cost-efficient technologies (Callahan, M et al. 2011; Fabregat-Santiago, F et al. 2011). The evolution of DSCs (Dye-sensitized solar cells) and organic BHJ (bulk heterojunction) solar cells has lately attained efficiencies of more than 12% and 8%, in that order, besides enhancing steadiness on outdoor conditions (Ding, R et al. 2010).
1.1 Research Objectives
The predominant objective of the proposed study is to establish experimental features for the hydrothermal and electrodeposition of most effective use of thin films nanorods in ZnO electrodes plus their characterization in the application of solar cells. Based on this objective, the proposed study equally seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1. To determine the ability of optimal Zinc ions’ concentration to create controlled ZnO Films’ nanorods
2. Determine the association between electrodeposition qualities with Zinc Oxide resistivity and bad gap energies
3. Establishment of the optimal empirical parameters capable of facilitating formation of nanorods excellent in electrical conduction
4. To improve overall efficiency in ZnO nanorod solar cells
Establishing a 1D ZnO nanorods applicable on dye sensitized solar cells
1.2 Goal of the proposed study
The key goal of the proposed study is to manufacture, through hydrothermal and electrodeposition methodologies, a solar cell defined by low temperature and cost nanorods.
1.3 Research questions
To achieve the above objectives as well as the study goal, the proposed study considers the following research questions:
(a) What measures can be employed in controlling the band width in achieving the utmost potential of a certain solar cell?
(b) How can the efficiency of photo-compelled charge separation and conveyance of charge transporters be improved across nanorods?
(c) What measures can be put in place to enhance the efficiency of solar cells as well as minimizing their cost for the purposes of affordability?
2.0 Review of related Literature
2.1 Solar cell characterization
There exists strong relations between diverse aspects of IS measurements of different forms of solar cells, such as BHJ, DSC, as well as inorganic CdTe and Si43 solae cells (Ding, R et al. 2010). This means it is recommendable to commence at a highly common standpoint, like the figure below, as a way of explaining the current vs. voltage curve, hence establishing the IS qualities. From the figure below, the key elements of the procedure employed in photovoltaic conversion have been exemplified (Fabregat-Santiago, F et al. 2011). Merging the carrier production with the charge separation and light absorption is considered the predominant point of the energy conversion in solar cells.
2.2 Impedance spectroscopy
Impedance spectroscopy remains an extremely significant tool in the development and characterization of models and devices respectively. This approach is adaptable and highly resourceful since it utilizes complete devices besides permitting characterization among various processes of operation (Ding, R. et al. 2010).
3. Methodology:
3.1 Hydrothermal methodology
From a general perspective, hydrothermal entails circulation of hot water. It is basically a geological process occurring in the environs of heat sources within the crust of the earth (Vayssieres, L. 2003). Presently, researchers are capable of simulating natural hydrothermal process by engaging an autoclave. Hydrothermal methodology will be employed as one of the sysnthesis technique in the proposed study, and it is reliant on high pressure and temperature. However, one key demerit associated with this technique is the inability to observe growth of the crystal (Wu and Wu, 2007).
3.1.1 Characterization
Two dissimilar precursor solutions will be achieved by having hexamethylene tetramine mixed with zinc acetate in de-ionized water, as well as by having zinc acetate replaced with zinc nitrate. Scanning electron microscope will be employed in taking the thin film’s morphology.
3.2 Electrodeposition methodology
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