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Atheism vs Religion (Coursework Sample)


Do you think atheism will eventually become more prominent than religious belief?

Topic: Atheism Vs Religion
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Do you think atheism will eventually become more prominent than religious belief?
Atheism is defined as a position by which no deities exist. Religion refers to the belief in a supreme being. In religion, at least a single deity exists. The two entities have been subjects of discussion on many major platforms around the globe. Both sides have facts that seem to justify their belief. Atheism will never dominate the world. This paper will explore reasons for the angle by which this discussion takes.
Religion dominates the world. About 96% of the human population has submitted to different beliefs. Most popular religion is the Christian community. Christians and Buddhists closely follow it. Atheism is a practice that is not common. Scholars mostly practice it. Philosophical teachings in higher levels of learning can be contracting. As a result, many highly learned individuals take this route. They are, however, small in number as compared to the believers. Levels of illiteracy are high. Most people are thus uninformed about the questioning of the mysteries of the universe.
Religion based institutions
Religious entities sponsor most social services that are offered in many parts of the world. These include hospitals, schools and universities. There thus leads to lots of influence by religion on the day to day lives of human beings. This inclines them towards religion. The Atheist community has not such institutions and remains highly unpopular. The trend continues even to the young humans that are born each day.
Opium of the masses
Plato once stated that religion is an opium of the masses. This theory has been proofed in numerous ways. Psychologically, all human beings want something to believe. There thus leads them to believing in supreme beings as stated by different religion. Allegory of...
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