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Physiology of hearing 304 Psychology Coursework Essay (Coursework Sample)


the paper required me to DESCRIBE the process through which the SOUND waves travel from the external ear to the internal ear and the sample fully ADDRESSES the issue


Physiology of hearing 304
The ear is a very important organ in the body of human beings. It performs two main functions, balancing and hearing. The ear has got three main parts, the outer or the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The external ear is made up of the pinna which is the outermost part of the ear and the external auditory tube or canal which connects the external ear and the middle ear. The tympanic membrane which is also referred to as the eardrum is also part of the external ear that connects the external ear to the middle ear. The middle ear is made is made up three small bones that carry out transmission of the sound waves to the middle ear. The three bones include the malleus, incus, and stapes. They are generally referred to as Ossicles.

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