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The impact of technology on the process of learning English (Dissertation - Abstract Sample)


Writing a dissertation on the impact of technology on the process of learning English


The impact of technology on the process of learning English
An Annotated Bibliography
Student Name
Liberty University
Using the right type of computing and telecommunication technology highly improves the quality of education. The learner will be able to access various learning material when the learning system integrates technology, and this will equip them with the appropriate knowledge. The results and conclusions from their study can be shared easily with teachers and fellow students within the learning institution or all over the world. This helps to promote knowledge sharing and makes problem tackling easier than in the case that the learner does not have the ability to share information technologically. Using technology properly enhances students’ achievements, improves the teacher’s knowledge and skills and makes administration and management of the institution more efficient.
An Annotated Bibliography
Technology and the learning environment
Philips (2001) argues that many educators consider Information and Communication Technology a mere teaching aid. He rejects this idea and argues that it is a vital part in learning because it has multi learning features which enable the learners acquire and share information quickly thereby resulting in quick generation of knowledge. He concludes that online resources have provided a comprehensive learning environment for the learners and teachers and has become vital part for most of the modern learning processes.
Use of digital technology in learning diverts attention of learner
Higgins, Xiao and Katsipataki (2012) argue that the use of technology in learning among young people only diverts their mind from education. They say that many of the young people use computers for games and online chatting even if they are within classrooms and that this diverts their minds from concentrating in academic work. They further argue that e-learning has not been linked with better learning as compared to the ordinary learning in classrooms.
Combining education and technology promoted human progress
Negi, Negi, and Pandey (2011) argue that technology brings about various changes in human resource management, teaching and learning. According to the three IT tools have some advantages over the conventional learning process. By making a clear combination between education and technology there will be adequate human progress. They have highlighted various forms of evidence that the use of IT has and positive changes on the methods, purpose, and the expected educational potential.
Mobile learning in improves communication between learner and teacher
According to Kisimihok (2008) carried out a research which proved that having good communication between the learners and the teacher brings about various benefits to the learners. They identified the use of mobile technology in communication between the learners and teachers as a major breakthrough in education which makes the learning process more effective. They advise the administrators to embrace mobile educational services in the learning community so as to promote learning services.
Effects of e-textbooks in learning
Gertner (2011) argues that there are several views on whether the e-textbooks are an equivalent to the traditional textbooks. He further argues that that due to the ever increasing innovation technologies and the...
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