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Clifton-Strengths Assessment (Editing Sample)

This task is about THE Clifton-Strengths Assessment, it is an assessment to find your UNIQUE skill. THE DEADLINE WAS IN 1 DAY, BUT I MANGED TO COMPLETE ON TIME. As my client requested, I started with an introduction AND then A Leadership Evaluation. the client wrote every heading in the essay, i manged to complete everything else. source..
Clifton-Strengths Assessment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Clifton-Strengths Assessment I have always thought of my life as a book, and each chapter moved me one step closer to understanding who I am, my values, and my talents and flaws. I have had the good fortune to travel all around the world during my voyage. I have gained insight into my strengths as a result of the information I have sought throughout the years from a range of people. I have also come to understand that everyone is unique and has their place in the world where they can shine. But I need to improve my self-awareness if I want to shine. I had the chance to study emotional intelligence, read about the various leadership styles, and complete the Clifton Strengths Assessment as a result of this project. Knowing who I am and what I am capable of would undoubtedly help me develop into a better leader and person. My purpose in writing this paper is to link my leadership style and skills, as well as determine whether my objectives are appropriate for this course. Leadership Evaluation I am a transactional leader, and that is how I lead. Transactional leadership has been defined as "a form of leadership that functions inside an existing boundary, emphasizes process over substances, and is steady in a predictable context" in several studies and research. Lack of experience necessitates focusing more on higher-level visions, which causes one to concentrate on low-order constructs, according to Bass. (Bass, 1985) In light of who I am and what I am capable of, I would have to concur with this statement. I think that when making a choice, transactional leaders cannot leverage or factor in their feelings. That is why people in leadership positions like mine follow the established procedures and guidelines. Recognizing that sometimes I make decisions based more on my emotions than on rules that apply in every circumstance. A leader with a transactional leadership style is simply someone who performs admirably. However, by applying myself, keeping in mind what I have learned, picking up new skills for dealing with different types of people, and realizing that we are all unique, I can become a better leader. Additionally, developing empathy, becoming more sensitive to other's emotions, and motivating people with good comments rather than merely pointing out their mistakes may all be very helpful. The most effective way for me to evaluate my strengths and flaws is through using empathy and social skills. Self-awareness is the conscious awareness of one's personality, emotions, motivations, and desires. Psychologists Robert Wicklund and Shelly Duval created a theory of self-awareness. "When we pay attention to ourselves, we assess and contrast our present actions with our internal norms and ideals," they claimed. We develop self-consciousness as unbiased judges of ourselves (Duval & Robert, 1973). These definitions have made me aware of some of my strengths and weaknesses. I must develop greater empathy for the people I am surrounded with. It is simpler to say than to practice to develop nonjudgmental behavior. Empathy is the capacity to recognize and empathize with another person's feelings (Aalateeg, 2017). According to businessman Joey Pomrenke, "the sensation that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions; and the capacity to share someone else's sentiments" is not necessarily the first thing people consider when they evaluate business competence. He eventually concluded that this was one of the list's "soft talents" after conducting further investigation. Belinda Parmar stated "There is nothing gentle about it, however, does not feel this way. It is a difficult talent that ought to be required everywhere, including on the manufacturing floor (Parmar, 2015). Other leaders just put on a show that they are interested in what you are saying and that they care, but in fact, they are only giving you one ear. When I know that the individual is capable of so much more than they realize, I sometimes find it difficult to have empathy for them. Personal Leadership Strengths: Pushing the boundaries or thinking outside the box are admirable leadership methods, but consistency will help me and my team members remain on track and establish a pattern so that I will not have to continually remind them of their daily obligations. will do the task more quickly. Which is one of my many skills, by the way. Once I establish a schedule, I can become more productive and finish more tasks. I do not have to run about with my "head chopped off" because to repetitive. When I come in at 7:00 a.m. and leave for a break at 9:00 a.m., I generally have four to five items finished from my to-do list. Time management keeps me on pace. Discipline is another asset since there cannot be order in the workplace without it. If everyone is given their tasks and the right directions, I believe that after each duty is finished, they will experience the benefits of job satisfaction. In light of this, being a transactional leader may foster character development and confidence. Weaknesses: At home, I am a procrastinator who will put off cleaning my rugs until she can no longer bear to see them. But when I am at work, I am a well-oiled machine. However, my speech at home and work is the same. I can therefore partly distinguish myself, but growing in these areas will help me to become a more well-rounded leader. Similar to possessing the necessary social skills, which are defined as "the capacity to engage with other members of society without causing undue conflict or discord." (2019 Oxford Dictionary) I have a "what you see is what you get" and "the truth shall set you free" mentality, and I do not believe in lying. Additionally, I believe that I should not "sugarcoat" what I have to say. I am therefore forced to think that my social abilities may use some improvement. For instance, I have a coworker who is constantly whining and claiming that she cannot or is not doing something because it hurts. Since she was always moaning, I called her out on it and questioned why she had ever applied for the job. Of course, she became upset, and I could have spoken to her privately rather than in front of everyone, but she irritated not just me but also the other workers. Recommendations: I have a never-give-up mentality, which gives me the drive and motivation to accomplish whatever that others or life throws at me. I am a strong, opinionated, obstinate, yet modest individual. With this awareness of my value, I can say with certainty that completing this journey will be a tremendous struggle for me. Getting over one's concerns and recognizing that not everyone will like you can help one become freer to open up in any social environment, according to Numana's creator and CEO (Jacob, 2018). I must thus learn to overcome these flaws by developing compassion while being brave, and I must keep in mind that not everyone shares my outlook on life or my work habits. Therefore, I believe that boosting my social skills will also increase my other deficiencies while also enhancing my strengths. I would advise becoming more driven myself. The definition of motivation that I find most pertinent is "the overall desire or willingness of someone to achieve something" (Oxford Dictionary, 2019). Even though this definition has several excellent principles related to being a strong leader, I have my concept of motivation. the desire to live independently, have peace of mind, stop living from paycheck to paycheck, and enjoy independence. If you have the correct motivation, life may be sufficiently better. With all of this stated, I must develop my social skills if I want to grow. I would also advise becoming a more flexible leader. Both transactional and transformational leadership styles have their benefits and drawbacks. As shown by this definition, a person who adheres to the established structure appreciates order and structure and calculates achievement by the organization's system of rewards and punishments. (Neck & Houghton, 2006) Some of the traits of a transactional leader are, at best, subpar, such as being rigid, exclusively using the left side of the brain, being resistant to change, and taking great pleasure in efficiency. This is being interrupted by someone noisy, does not take chances very well, and has highly one-sided thinking because they do not realize that there are two sides to the brain. My capacity to learn from my errors is one of my top three talents, along with discipline ...
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