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Biden's administration's plan (Editing Sample)

The article is about Biden's administration's plan to successfully reduce the illegal southern border crossing by Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti refugees. Since the USA lacks good diplomatic relations with these countries and cannot expel refugees coming to the USA, it created a new two-year humanitarian parole policy. Increasing border enforcement has decreased illegal migration by about 97%, according to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security (Immigration Data and Statistics | Homeland Security). Biden's administration created new policies that support the welfare of refugees source..
Name Professor Course Date Summary The article is about Biden's administration's plan to successfully reduce the illegal southern border crossing by Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti refugees. Since the USA lacks good diplomatic relations with these countries and cannot expel refugees coming to the USA, it created a new two-year humanitarian parole policy. Increasing border enforcement has decreased illegal migration by about 97%, according to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security (Immigration Data and Statistics | Homeland Security). Biden's administration created new policies that support the welfare of refugees. For instance, new refugees must have resided in the USA for a minimum of two years to apply for work authorization in the country eligibly. In addition, local permanent residents are allowed by governmental regulations to welcome and facilitate the safe arrival and settlement process of new refugees coming into the USA through the Welcome Corps program. Mexico also began accepting refugees into its borders, another factor that significantly decreased illegal border crossing and caused a surmounting triumph for both USA and Mexico. Biden's administration also launched a new smartphone app on Jan 12. The CBP app, available in Spanish and English, allows refugees and immigrants to fill out applications and schedule appointments and interviews with border parole officials. The main purpose of t...
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