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4 pages/≈2200 words
3 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Is Trophy Hunting Unethical? (Essay Sample)

The paper investigates the moral dimensions of trophy hunting. It has been argued that it helps in conserving through funding and population control, but there are serious ethical issues which emerge because of animal suffering during sports activities. The conservation gains are often exaggerated, with meager returns trickling downwards to the local communities and potential ecological damage from concentrating on certain animals. This act opposes the principles of mercy and dignity for living creatures thereby increasing their pain for no reason therefore unnecessary. In conclusion lethal conservation methods should be prioritized in order to foster coexistence and respect for wildlife. Therefore, this ethical evaluation points out why trophy hunting practices need to be rethought towards more compassionate alternatives. source..
Is Trophy Hunting Unethical? first and last name Institution course instructor’s name 5th July, 2024. Abstract The paper investigates the moral dimensions of trophy hunting. It has been argued that it helps in conserving through funding and population control, but there are serious ethical issues which emerge because of animal suffering during sports activities. The conservation gains are often exaggerated, with meager returns trickling downwards to the local communities and potential ecological damage from concentrating on certain animals. This act opposes the principles of mercy and dignity for living creatures thereby increasing their pain for no reason therefore unnecessary. In conclusion lethal conservation methods should be prioritized in order to foster coexistence and respect for wildlife. Therefore, this ethical evaluation points out why trophy hunting practices need to be rethought towards more compassionate alternatives. Is Trophy Hunting Unethical? There has been considerable debate surrounding trophy hunting, which is the sport of hunting game and displaying parts of it as trophies. Supporters argue that it finances conservation works and controls population numbers, whereas opponents claim that the practice is inherently wrong, driven by vanity and causes animals to suffer. The moral question concerning trophy hunting is about animal welfare. Moral defenselessness on the part of hunters can be seen from a perspective of deliberate targeting of animals for games rather than survival or subsistence. The principle of reduction in harm to sentient beings (Bekoff, 2013) is clearly contradicted if we consider the suffering inflicted on animals during prolonged deaths at hunts. The ethical principles of compassion and respect for all living beings are challenged when someone kills for pleasure instead of a need. This is debatable, and hence it has brought about the conservation argument that supports trophy hunting. Although hunting revenues can fund conservation efforts, their actual advantages are generally exaggerated. For example, a small proportion of money from trophy hunting goes to local people or wildlife preservation (Lindsey et al., 2007). Additionally, focusing on particular animals, specifically those with attractive features could interfere with social structures and genetic diversity in populations leading to future ecological p...
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