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Analysis of the Firms Current Strategy, Distinctive Competence, Positioning, and Execution (Essay Sample)


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Analysis of the environment.
Customer’s tastes and preferences in the food industry is changing rapidly prompting companies in this field to innovate new brands and improve on the existing ones. These changes have to be in line with customer relevance otherwise sales will drop significantly. General Mills with 27 locations in Minnesota have removed artificial colors and flavors from cereal line which is a bigger overhaulCITATION Kip00 \p 82 \l 1033 (Kiple 82). Political enforcement such as licenses has also hindered many new entrants, while the growing competitive market has led to few mergers here and there such as Green Mills buying Cascadian firm and AnniesCITATION CHA75 \p 69 \l 1033 (CHANDY 69).Customers have become very particular about quality and insist on fresh products. General Mills have one focus that is working for them by giving customers the best possible experience in their restaurantCITATION McW12 \p 65 \l 1033 (Mc Williams 65). This they have ensured by providing quality foods and genuine service however the growing food industry and changing consumer tastes and insistence on fresh foods is a challenge that can hinder growth to this food giant.
Analysis of the firm’s current strategy, distinctive competence, positioning, and execution.
General Mills have started out by owners falling in love with deep dish pizza and decided to add it to their version, from there the growth has been a phenomenon, winning awards along the wayCITATION Juh \p 58 \l 1033 (Andrew 58). At Green Mills, kitchen giant products are coming up such as frozen vegetables and lentils as well as a well prepared Brussels sprout and fresh vegetables which have a better texture than the microwaved onesCITATION 50F16 \p 58 \l 1033 (States 58).
Analysis of competitive environment using SWOT.
The food environment is quickly changing, and large enterprises such as Green Mills must take appropriate steps to remain in business. Green mills have started making big bets such as purchasing smaller innovative food companies like organic brands and Cascadian Farm as well as Annies.Since Green mills have been legendary, it has a sound financial standing but must always innovate to keep up with customer tastesCITATION Pha16 \p 289 \l 1033 (Phaidon 289).

Strengths for the company.
1. Have won various awards for their pizza thus have a good backing.
2.fresh vegetables are readily available
3.combined dishes giving freshness
4.vigoruos advertising in local television

Weaknesses for the company.
1.high prices reducing customers
2. Brand awareness is still low.
3.competition from other pizza brands such as pizza hut
4. Pizza is the only main selling point.

Opportunities for the industry.
1. Big companies such as Green Mills have a survivor chance due to strong presence.
2. big customer reach via 27 outlets.
3.Growing customer loyalty on quality foods
4. Going global via big financial muscle.

Opportunities-Strengths Strategies: (Use strengths to take advantage of opportunities)
1. Due to many awards won Green mills can open more outlets and be sure of customers.
2. Use their large pizza presence to venture in other food markets.

Opportunities-Weakness Strategies: (Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities)
1. Vigorous marketing of other food products to increase awareness and assuring quality as the well-known pizza.
2. Reduce prices but leverage on the sales volume.

1. Competition from other pizza brands.
2. Costs have to rise due to innovations and expansions.
3. high operational costs to give fresh vegetables.
4. increase revenue or close shop by offering customer products.

Threat-Strength strategies: (Use Strengths to avoid threats)
1.They can cut costs by merging
2. Introduce customer favored healthy products such as low sugar Yoplait.

Threat-Weakness Strategies: (Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats)
1. Look for new products that are healthy to customers to be diverse.
2. Increase happy hours to cater for sensitive customers.

Defining the problem.
Changes in the tastes and predisposition of consumers in the food industry have stalled the traditional cereal sales for the last five years. These brands no longer attract customers. Therefore, General Mills have to reinvent itself and offer customer based productsCITATION McW12 \p 52 \l 1033 (Mc Williams 52).
Credible and mutually exclusive alternatives –Options for General Mills.
Some of the options for General Mills are:
1. Owning the fresh vegetable market-Once they have established their new vegetable farm they will ensure cutting costs and can also sell these plants to the other firmsCITATION Kip00 \p 123 \l 1033 (Kiple 123).
2. Diversifying products-General Mills presence is mostly on pizzas. Therefore, they need to focus on other innovate food products to increase sales revenues.
3. Vigorous marketing strategy such as social media for the new and yet to penetrate the market products.
Criteria for differentiating bad strategy from a bad one.
Good plans have to be in line with company’s growth options and also one which is not too costly and complicated to implementCITATION Ind05 \p 79 \l 1033 (Index 79).
Analysis of alternatives qualitatively and quantatively.
Qualitative analysis is done mostly by observation and seeking customer feedbacks as the data requested is non-numerical. The benefit of qualitative analysis is paramount to general mills as you will get customers feelings and sentiments regarding a product. This qualitative study on the diversified products is less costly and will give the accurate account of the product from customersCITATION Ede06 \p 36 \l 1033 (Eden 36). Owning the fresh vegetable market will require a case study of the cost-benefit analysis which can be lengthy and costly to general mills but the benefits will be incomparable with the costs. Social media marketing will require less effort and study thus the implementation can be immediate. The quantitative analysis of the three strategies will require the collection of quantifiable data to give an informed decision. This will require time and resources before the data is collected and analyzedCITATION Foo \p 85 \l 1033 (Chain 85).
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