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Conflicts in Organizations And their Resolutions (Essay Sample)


I was to consider my current or any former work location at which I have been employed. In a power point or word document, I was to tell how the employees vs. management (owners, government, etc.) would feel about each of the issues below. In addition, I was to discuss potential resolution of the different perspectives and how this information should be communicated back to leadership and the workforce. • Alternative Work Schedules (i.e. flexible work) • Transfers • Restriction of Overtime • Any other one issue of my choice Firstly, I was to describe the scene and discuss the place of employment...size, work done, types and number of employees. Secondly, I was to state for each item above what the employees would want the policy to be and why. Thirdly, for each item, I was to state what the management/owners would want. Finally, was to state what a fair and reasonable agreement would be considering the desires of both sides. The idea here was to look at what standard issues of non-wage issues in bargaining take place in a real environment. I was to evaluate both sides and develop a compromise. .


Conflicts in Organizations And their Resolutions
Conflicts in Organizations and their Resolutions
Conflicts in organizations are a normal occurrence. It particularly between the parties involved in the firms operation and majorly caused by differing interests of those groups. Often the conflicts arise when the interest of one group in the organization is foregone or not well represented in the organizations policy. The problems are mainly between the management versus the employees, management versus the government and management versus the stockholders who are the owners of the business. Conflicts are however not a new phenomenon and have solutions made by harmonizing the organizations policy.
Presently I am working in a health organization. The workforce in our organization contains sixty –nine workers who perform different tasks in the firm. Forty of my fellow employees are specialist in the health and diagnostic field, ten in the finance sector, nine in management and the rest as subordinate staffs. As for my case I fall under the finance department but there is free and consistent interaction with employees from other departments performing different tasks. The firm is owned by shareholders who provide capital and thus meaning our management team is bound to work for the owners’ objective of profit maximization CITATION Gri13 \l 1033 (Griffin, 2013). With over five years of experience working in the organization that serves hundreds of clients on a daily basis I can be counted knowledgeable of how the organizations policies create conflict.
All organizations have a policy that clearly states the norms and ways that things should be done in the organization. In some instance some groups may feel left out or marginalized by the policy or even not well considered. Some factors as well brings about conflict of interest as different groups have different feelings and view on them. Factors like flexible work schedules, transfers and restrictions on overtime are perceived differently by the different groups.
Employees have a unique and common feeling and reaction to the above factors that have a direct impact on their working and social life. On the alternative working schedules factor employees have a definite positive view. The factor itself involves allowing the employees to work when they are freshest and willing to work and obtaining a leave when it is vital. The positive perception of this factor is due to the many advantages it carries to employees like saving their commuting time as well as expenses, reducing time wasted on traffics on daily basis,reducing burnouts due to overloads as well as having time to meet family, personal and societal obligations. Flexible working schedules are characterized by parental leaves, part-time employments and flexible leave policies CITATION Gri13 \l 1033 (Griffin, 2013).
Transfers are not warmly welcomed by employees. Transfers involves relocation of an employee from a department to another or to a different job with the same pay CITATION Kra10 \l 1033 (Kramer, 2010). The employees however may not be happy with transfers since they are required to meet new duties which they may lack experience on or at times relocated geographically thus affecting his family life. A transfer moreover distances an employee from his/her co-workers who they already have a good relationship and introduces them to new colleagues who are strange. This is a challenge since the new staff may not interact freely as before.
Overtime restrictions as well tend to create a problem between the management and employees. Employees especially women highly disagree with compulsory overtimes due to their family duties such as attending the family and maybe young kids. Generally employees always feel that it should be their choice to work overtime and not a compulsory as some organizations restrict. Many employees have other obligations which are personal that they must attend to for example their businesses, other part-time jobs and also resting to avoid fatigue. However employees would be willing to go for overtime if the organizations offer a credible pay.The restriction could be as worse as getting sacked if an employee declines to work on overtime thus making the employee feel humiliated CITATION Gra03 \l 1033 ( Graaf, 2003).
Supervision involves consistent monitoring of employees by their employers physically or on cameras. Employees feel uncomfortable working under high supervision that denies them their freedom in work places. Many feel that they can perform their jobs perfectly even under minimal or no supervision.
On managements perspective the factors should be set in a way that maximizes output of employees in the firm. For instance in allowing flexible works will probably have administrative costs in adjusting the systems or implementing a new system. Some businesses may also not allow flexibility due to core working hours that may require a full workforce interaction, moreover creating alternative working schedules might lead to difference in working hours of supervisors and employees which would mean working under no supervision or hiring more supervisors which is an additional cost to the management CITATION Gri13 \l 1033 (Griffin, 2013).
Management again will transfer their employees despite them not willing to. Transfers are meant to make them diverse or to make changes that will help improve performance in the organization. A competent employee may be transferred to a department that is lagging behind so as to uplift it or as well transfer a poorly performing employee to another department so as to enhance his performance CITATION Kra10 \l 1033 (Kramer, 2010).
Restrictions on overtime are placed to ensure that the days planned work and the firms’ objectives are met. Management have set targets that they aim at achieving with their workforce and thus put restrictions to avoid failure and ensure proper utilization of their workforce. Measures are therefore purposed at ensuring consistency as per the firms’ plans.
Management is much concerned with output of their employees and thus engages maximum supervision during their working hours and their performance. In some cases employees turn so stubborn and tend to relax during working hours to an extent of sleeping at work places but while under close supervision they cannot dare do so. The management may also monitor the employees through their performance and thus help them identify those who are performing poorly. Supervision of management serves as a tool to ensure the work force is committed to their work and thus enhancing goals achievement.
The owners of the business (shareholders) have their interests represented by the management. Their primary focus is on reducing the expenses and increasing profits. Their interests align with those of the ...
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