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Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) (Essay Sample)


The paper was about a model through which the HRM can improve inclusivity of the people with disabilities


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Human Resource Management
Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Staffing, employee compensation and designing work are the main categories of the human resource management’s functions. Employees are part of any organization and should be treated with care to help them build confidence, settle, and work diligently. Today, employees try to offer the best employment terms in order to attract and retain the best talents and experience in their respective industries. Employee welfare has become a primary function of the companies’ management today. The human resource management is tasked with recruiting employees and ensuring that their work environment is conducive and inclusive. Improving the employee productivity is considered a factor in maximizing a company’s productivity.
An organization’s management strives to have the needs of all employees met adequately. In their attempt to recruit top talent and make them as comfortable as possible, the management faces several challenges. There is competition for the top talent and the company may have to offer competitive salaries and benefits which may become expensive in the long run. Other than compensation and benefits, there is also the issue of diversity in employment. Most consumer agencies are keen on the way companies to conduct their recruitment in terms of diversity and inclusion of the people of color, women, religion, people with disabilities, and people who identify as lesbians, gay, or bisexual. Ensuring that there is diversity has its consequences such as restructuring the work environment to accommodate all and creating an equal ground to enhance equity in operations.
How the Model Reflects What is in Existence
Disability inclusion is one of the mechanisms of ensuring that there is diversity in an organization’s workforce. People with disabilities are a disadvantaged minority that faces challenges in job acquisition and career fulfillment. Like women and African-Americans, the main challenge includes opportunities that lead to inclusiveness. Diversity issues have been at the center of discussion in the recent past as companies aim to balance their workforce. Today, many companies are turning their efforts to the fulfillment of their diversity needs. Diversity in a company’s workforce helps promote equality and provide the company with different talents, abilities, and experience. People with disabilities are as able as able-bodied persons and need to be provided a quality environment to work. Unlike the able-bodied persons, the people with disabilities require additional modifications in the work environment to enable them to work effectively. Disability in entails a wide and diverse group of people with different needs because of their different disabilities. In order to meet the diversity threshold, the company’s may have to offer opportunities to the people with physical and mental disabilities.
The New Model
This model aims to provide the people with disabilities an environment that allows them to work effectively. It involves modeling the physical infrastructure and installation of disability-friendly technological equipment. A company the cares for its disabled workers ensures that their workers can get access to the workstations and work with minimal or no barriers. Accessibility not only refers to constructing rails for the people with disabilities but ensuring that the deaf, blind, and people with mental disabilities have their needs taken care of. Some of the changes that an organization can undertake to make sure that the needs of people with different disabilities are met include constructing rails, providing auxiliary devices for the deaf and offering audio services for the blind.
The Deaf
The deaf and hard of hearing people that are employed in an organization need to be provided with devices that help them to work effectively. Ensuring that they can read and understand the information relayed to them is a factor in the effectiveness of their work. Some of the mechanisms that help the deaf and hard of hearing people get an access to all information in a workplace include the provision of a sign language interpreter especially in meetings and forums. Further, the company’s management may also caption the videos used for training and communication. Organizations can also provide signs that direct the people with hearing impairment around and enable them to move from a place to another swiftly. Such signs may become useful in times of emergencies where there is little time to offer comprehensive communications. Additionally, there are auxiliary devices such are the video relay services that can be provided for the deaf to enable them to communicate equally.
The Blind
For the employees who cannot see, there is a need for the organizations to make sure that they can get access to information on their own and within a short time. Audio services for communication mechanisms that do not have sounds are helpful for the people that have a visual impairment. Assistive technologies such as screen readers may also be handy mechanisms to reach out to the people with disabilities and enhance their computing abilities. Other than the provision of audio and assistive technologies, companies can also provide the braille machines that allow the people with visual impairments to work equitably.
The People with Other Physical Disabilities
Injuries, diseases, and chemical exposure may lead to significant loss to the use of hands and legs to handle and move about with ease and efficiency. People who have lost the use of hands and legs may have difficulties to use traditional stairs to get access to buildings and rooms on higher floors. It is of importance that the companies that employ such people create a disability friendly environment. It helps them access the rooms where they work and allow for easy movement within the organization. To ensure accessibility, the companies may have to change the stairs or provide stair climbers. This saves the people with a disability the struggle to get access to the building and allows their movement without relying on the help of others. Additionally, the doorways should be made wide enough such that the wheelchairs and other equipment can pass through w

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