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Industrial Internet Research Paper (Essay Sample)


Choose a section in one of the chapters and conduct further research to learn about the topic. Write a summary of your findings.
Find a current (within the last 12 months) business article related to a topic from one of the chapters. Write a summary of the article including the economic significance or importance of the article.
Summarize what you learned about economics this week and how you can use that information either in your personal or professional life.
Watch the video, "Marco Annunziata: Welcome to the age of the Industrial Internet" (approximately 12 min), and reflect on what impacts the "Industrial Internet" has on the economy and how this will benefit/hinder the economy. What does this mean for the future?
The paper should be one full page (maximum two pages) in length and should follow all APA formatting, including the following (refer back to the Orientation Moodle course and your APA manual for formatting requirements.)
Cover Page (not included in length of paper)
Running Header
Double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
Reference Page (not included in length of paper)
The paper should express your ideas and thoughts clearly and show logic and critical thinking.
The paper should reference content from the textbook and/or other outside sources and be cited properly according to APA format.

Week 2 Research Paper
The short video is all about the impact of "The internet of things," for the mankind’s future as far as the global economy is concerned. In the clip, the economist behind the cast gives an insight on the transformations that technological advancement would bring to the economy. The invention of machines that have human features of feeling, seeing, reacting and sensing so that a more efficient operation can be carried out in the industrial sector which is the backbone of the world’s economy is the basis under which the production was one. For instance, airplane’s parts that give and alert when there is need for servicing or wind turbines that are capable of communicating with one another so that they can generate more electricity all forecasts a future that is exciting for the entire mankind. However, the article tries to show how if the current trend continues, human labor will be soon replaced by machinery, more so in the industrial sector. The cyber security approach that was robust and used to protect information that was sensitive and intellectual property as well as safeguarding the most critical infrastructure from cyber attacks as it is evident from the clip has taken over the economy(Annunziata, 2013).
The "Industrial Internet" has certain impacts to the economy which in include, the limited intellectual growth as people now rely more on the technology thus a re not getting mor...
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