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Lyft Business Expansion into Vietnam (Essay Sample)

Dear Sir/Maam, This task was for writing an essay regarding Lyft Business Expansion into Vietnam in APA Style, had must be in 16 pages with required time limit. And its sample was about as a consultant for Lyft, it is essential to critically evaluate the positive outcomes, price, and challenges of operating a business in Vietnam. Furthermore, as cities in Vietnam continue to grow and expand, there is an increasing demand for transportation services, which presents an opportunity for Lyft to expand its services to this market. This evaluation will help Lyft to make an informed decision about whether or not to enter the Vietnamese market. Benefits of doing business in Vietnam. There are several benefits that Lyft can expect to gain by entering the Vietnamese market. Firstly, Vietnam is experiencing rapid urbanization, which has increased the demand for transportation services (Tan et al., 2021). As shown in the image below in attachment, with over 97 million people, Vietnam is the world's 15th most populous country, and its natives are forecasted to grow in the coming years. This presents a significant market opportunity for Lyft to expand its services. Secondly, Vietnam has a young and tech-savvy population, with over 60% under 35. This demographic is more likely to embrace new technologies and adopt ride-sharing services like Lyft. Figure 1: Overview of Vietnamese Economy 2021in % However, thoroughly discussed and described in attached sample file. Looking forward to you, Best regards, Fawwad A. Khan source..
Lyft Business Expansion into Vietnam Author's Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Lyft Business Expansion into Vietnam Discussion Critical Evaluation of the Vietnamese Market As a consultant for Lyft, it is essential to critically evaluate the positive outcomes, price, and challenges of operating a business in Vietnam. Furthermore, as cities in Vietnam continue to grow and expand, there is an increasing demand for transportation services, which presents an opportunity for Lyft to expand its services to this market. This evaluation will help Lyft to make an informed decision about whether or not to enter the Vietnamese market. Benefits of doing business in Vietnam. There are several benefits that Lyft can expect to gain by entering the Vietnamese market. Firstly, Vietnam is experiencing rapid urbanization, which has increased the demand for transportation services (Tan et al., 2021). As shown in the image below, with over 97 million people, Vietnam is the world's 15th most populous country, and its natives are forecasted to grow in the coming years. This presents a significant market opportunity for Lyft to expand its services. Secondly, Vietnam has a young and tech-savvy population, with over 60% under 35. This demographic is more likely to embrace new technologies and adopt ride-sharing services like Lyft. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Overview of Vietnamese Economy 2021in % (Vna, 2022) Furthermore, Vietnam's large and growing economy means a significant need for transportation services, which presents an opportunity for Lyft to tap into a large and growing market. Thirdly, Vietnam's regulatory environment is becoming more favorable to ride-sharing services, with the government implementing regulations to support the development of the sharing economy. This creates a conducive environment for Lyft to operate and grow its business. Vietnam has a young and tech-savvy population, with a high penetration of smartphones and internet access. This presents an opportunity for Lyft to offer innovative and convenient ride-sharing services that appeal to younger consumers. Costs of doing Business in Vietnam. Despite the benefits of entering the Vietnamese market, there are also costs associated with doing business in Vietnam. One of the high costs is the need to invest in marketing and brand building to establish a strong presence in the market. Lyft must raise financing extensively in marketing and publicity to build brand popularity and push end-users in a highly competitive market (Nguyen-Phuoc et al., 2020). Similarly, the operational expenses in Vietnam is the need to invest in technology and infrastructure to support its operations. This includes developing a mobile application and backend systems to support its services in Vietnam. The cost of doing business in Vietnam for Lyft would depend on several factors, including operational costs, regulatory compliance, and competitive pressures. Operational costs for Lyft in Vietnam would include recruiting and training drivers, marketing and advertising, maintaining the platform, and providing customer support. The government has been tightening regulations on ride-sharing services in recent years, which could result in additional compliance costs for Lyft (Belarmino & Koh, 2020). These could include expenses related to obtaining permits and licenses, complying with safety and security requirements, and meeting other regulatory obligations. Also, the competitive pressures could impact the business expenses for Lyft in Vietnam. The local ride-sharing market is already dominated by established players like Grab and GoViet, which could make it difficult for Lyft to gain a foothold. To compete effectively, Lyft must invest in marketing and promotions, driver incentives, and other strategies to differentiate itself from competitors. These costs could add up quickly and impact the profitability of Lyft's operations in Vietnam. Additionally, Lyft must invest in recruiting and training drivers in Vietnam to ensure they meet local regulations and standards (Lyft, 2023). Finally, potential legal and regulatory costs are associated with the business in Vietnam. Lyft must comply with local rules and laws, which can be complex and time-consuming. Failure to comply with local regulations and laws can result in fines and legal penalties, which can be costly for Lyft. Risks of doing Business in Vietnam. There are several challenges associated with doing business in Vietnam that Lyft needs to be aware of. One of the significant risks is the political risk associated with operating in a foreign market. Vietnam has a one-party communist government that can be unpredictable and changes policies and regulations quickly. This can create uncertainty and instability for Lyft's operations in Vietnam. Also, broader geopolitical risks are associated with doing business in Vietnam, including potential trade disputes and political instability. These risks could impact the overall business environment in Vietnam and make it more challenging for Lyft to operate in the country. Furthermore, the economic risk associated with operating in Vietnam. While Vietnam's economy is increasing, it is also vulnerable to external shocks and fluctuations in global markets. This can impact consumer demand for transportation services, harming Lyft's revenues and profitability. Also, the risk is associated with cultural differences and consumer preferences in Vietnam (Lee et al., 2021). Lyft will need to adapt its services to meet the needs and preferences of Vietnamese consumers, which can be different from those in North America. Failure to do so can decrease the demand for Lyft's services and difficulty establishing a solid foothold in the market. Another risk is the regulatory environment in Vietnam, which has been tightening regulations on ride-sharing services in recent years. This could result in additional compliance costs for Lyft, including expenses related to obtaining permits and licenses, complying with safety and security requirements, and meeting other regulatory obligations. In addition, there may be cultural and language barriers that Lyft would need to overcome to operate effectively in Vietnam. This could include developing localized marketing strategies and providing customer support in Vietnamese. In summary, entering the Vietnamese market poses an obvious positive outcome for Lyft to extend its operations and tap into an extensive marketplace. However, costs and risks are associated with doing business in Vietnam, including investing in marketing and technology, complying with local regulations and laws, and navigating the unpredictable political and economic landscape. Despite these challenges, Lyft can mitigate these risks and capitalize on the benefits of entering the Vietnamese market by conducting thorough research and adapting its services to meet the needs of Vietnamese consumers. Critical Examination of Lyft's Entry Modes Lyft is a leading ride-hailing company in the United States that provides transportation services to millions of users. The company has been expanding globally to increase its market share and improve profitability in recent years. One of the markets that Lyft is considering entering is Vietnam (Suhendra & Neubert, 2021). However, the company faces the challenge of deciding the best mode of entry that will enable it to penetrate the market successfully. This part critically evaluates the three options Lyft is considering: licensing, a joint venture with a host country firm, or setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Vietnam. The paper recommends the most suitable entry methods for Lyft based on a comprehensive analysis of the three options. Licensing. Licensing involves giving another company the right to use the trademark, technology, or other intellectual property of a company in exchange for a fee. Licensing can be an attractive entry mode for companies seeking to expand into foreign markets because it induces them to minimize the risks and costs entangled with initiating a business. As of 2021, Lyft was not yet licensed to operate in Vietnam. However, the Vietnamese government has been tightening regulations on ride-sharing services in recent years, which could make it more inconvenient for Lyft to obtain the required licenses and permits to operate in the country. The licensing process could be complex and time-consuming, with Lyft having to navigate various regulatory requirements related to safety, security, and driver qualifications. This could add to the overall cost and complexity of doing business in Vietnam and impact the feasibility of Lyft's expansion plans. One of the advantages of licensing for Lyft is that it enables the company to enter the Vietnamese market rapidly and with minimal investment. Licensing also provides a source of revenue for the company through licensing fees (Belarmino & Koh, 2020). However, licensing also has some disadvantages that Lyft needs to consider. First, licensing limits the amount of control that Lyft has over its operations in Vietnam. Lyft will have to rely on the licensee to market, sell, and provide services to customers, which could affect the service quality. Secondly, licensing exposes Lyft to losing control over its intellectual property. If the licensee violates the licensing agreement's terms, it could damage Lyft's brand and reputation. Joint Venture. A joint venture involves two or more firms joining hands together to initiate a new business entity that is jointly owned and managed. Joint ventures can be an effective entry mode for companies seeking to enter foreign markets because they enable companies to share the risks and costs of doing business while accessing local expertise and resources. One of the advantages of a joint venture for Lyft is that it allows the company to benefit from the local knowledge and exp...
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