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Politics and international relations (Essay Sample)

Assessment tasks, assessment criteria and grading descriptors The assessment for Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union takes the form of a 5000 word policy paper. In this scenario students are writing as a policy advisor whose role includes research and analysis. They are required to identify and present a specific challenge relating to democracy and legitimacy in the EU; to explain the nature of their specific challenge (with reference to the academic literature); to outline a range of options for addressing this challenge; and to analyse these options before recommending a solution to address the challenge. The assessment is designed to develop and test several key competences: • Research skills that indicate breadth and depth of contextual evidence and discernment; • Referencing at a professional level according to academic conventions; • Depth of understanding, reasoning and insight; Faculty of Business, Law and Politics 6 20/21 Module Handbook • The ability to develop and present with organisation and clear structure a case or argument clearly • Application of evidence, ideas, concepts and theory to the subject • Quality of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and appraisal The policy paper should include: • Front matter: a title and table of contents • Executive summary • An introduction that contains a brief account of the background to and context of the policy paper as well as a brief outline of the structure and content of the paper • A section analysing the nature of the policy challenge which draws upon the academic literature (literature review) • A section identifying policy options (2-3) for addressing the policy problem • A section analysing these options, including the criteria used for the analysis, and making a recommendation on the basis of these • Bibliography • Appendices (if relevant) The marking criteria for this assessment can be found on the module canvas site. source..
Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Date Executive Summary The European Union has been on the front line to ensure that peace and stability are kept in every part of the globe. Through the setting of various principles, the union has achieved its proposed objectives partially. The EU has played an essential role in promoting democratic agendas and showing legitimacy inspired by democracy through various ways. Through their political legitimacy, the union has shed light on matters affecting politics in their 27 member states. Through the limits of national state democracy, the association has shown slowness in making the world a more democratic place than the republic. The EU democracy deficit has been a suggesting factor in exercising its duty. The democracy deficit of the union has been addressed through various methods, which include strengthening both European and national parliaments. The public has helped the union a lot in making sure that democracy has been attained but mainly with the help of the demo’s policy. Through the challenges faced by democracy and legitimacy in the world, the union has addressed such problems with extensive competency. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc72049663 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc72049664 \h 3Literature review PAGEREF _Toc72049665 \h 4The Political Legitimacy of the EU PAGEREF _Toc72049666 \h 4Limits of democracy beyond the national states PAGEREF _Toc72049667 \h 9The European democratic Deficit with its strengthening PAGEREF _Toc72049668 \h 12Will the EU ever be democratic through demos? PAGEREF _Toc72049669 \h 14The importance of the public in the EU legitimacy PAGEREF _Toc72049670 \h 16Challenges of democracy and legitimacy in the EU PAGEREF _Toc72049671 \h 17Recommendations to the challenges PAGEREF _Toc72049672 \h 18Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc72049673 \h 19References PAGEREF _Toc72049674 \h 20 Introduction Rulership in the European Union (EU) is exercised through democracy and the rule of law. His union governance is based on democratic principles, which are from the title 2 TEU. Democracy is the rulership that encourages freedom and fairness in their treatment. Within a democratic forum, members are allowed to choose their leaders without the interference of senior officials. Therefore the union can be defined as a representation of the democratic states, which, on the other hand, exercises and aspire democracy. Legitimate is the social contract that constitutes the making of a government or union. Therefore the legitimacy of any government or union is defined by the enjoyment of consent from the governed. Thus the definition of democracy is concluded to be the only legitimate system. The European Union, with its leadership, has shown legitimacy in various ways through the aspiration of democracy within its member states. The paper explains how the EU exercises democracy with legitimacy. The report shows how the union is politically legitimate with its limits on democracy beyond the nation-state through multiple explanations. The report also explains the challenges of democracy and legitimacy in the European Union. Literature review The paper has been written with research based on reviewing both scholarly and political articles. By understanding various political matters that affect the EU, the report has been able to address political legitimacy and how the union tries to manipulate multiple political issues in the world. The association's challenges have been derived according to how the EU reluctantly has not achieved the democratic achieved intended. Through assessing the roles put down by the union with how it has implemented such issues. Many research papers have helped in knowing democratic deficits and how the union has addressed the obligations. The democratic statements made by various nations concerning the leadership of the association has helped dramatically in making conclusions concerning the national parliament improvement. The Political Legitimacy of the EU Through the governance of the EU by its democratic nature, the union has been characterized as a legitimate political movement. The partnership has allowed direct representation of citizens from the member states on the union level in its parliament. By also term on the European council and the EU council, the union ensures that its political legitimacy is exercised to the latter (Craig, 2020). The European Union has set its goals in promoting peace and its values with also enhancing the well-being of the citizens. Through various methods, the union has developed a specific strategy that helps every citizen from the member state enjoy peace. The EU has been following the proceedings of all government agencies from each member state nation to ensure that civilian rights are not violated. European Union has shown its political legitimacy in ensuring security and justice is exercised in their member states. The union joint surety and foreign policy are designed to resolve conflicts by respecting the international understanding and diplomacy concerning the international rules. Other forums within the EU helps in the global security role of the union. Such vital discussions of the association include humanitarian aid and development cooperation. The union's foreign and security policy plays the role of preserving peace and strengthening international security (Pasquino, 2018). The peace preservation of the block is ensured with the way it combats insecurity in some areas. For instance, the association has been in the frontline to ensure that crisis zoned areas receive neutral engagement from the EU. The impartial attention is provided by sending the union's military to ensure that the fighting sides preserve peace and stability. In nations like Lebanon and Turkey, the association has been seen in the first line in ensuring that the citizens get aid from the damages of insecurity. The EU has been seen on the front line to maintain partnerships with the key players, including regional groups and emerging powers. The relationships attained by the union ensure that mutual consent and benefit are preserved. Through many ways, the league has shown and pushed different agendas, ensuring that every part has benefited accordingly. Generally, the union has no standing army but requires ad hoc forces that are contributed by the member states of the federation. By sending army missions in all parts of the world, the association has monitored and preserved law with the order at different levels. The union has also participated in peacekeeping efforts by ensuring that humanitarian aid is accorded to every civilian. European Union also consists of foreign policy, partnerships, and action, ensuring that the union observes diplomatic services. The External action service (EEAS) plays the role of ensuring that the block does not violate any law to a nation while pushing for diplomatic agendas (de Jongh & Theuns, 2017). The EU values are observed and promoted by a network of 140 delegations across the globe. The European Union has a commission that plays various political roles. The commission helps in promoting the general interest of the union through proposing legislation. Additionally, the European commission helps in implementing policies and the budget of the association. The commission is made up of various commissioners, which constitute one from each member country. Through the European Commission, the union is considered to be politically influential. The proposal drawn by the commission ensures that each member state gets fairness on implementation decisions. The European Parliament is responsible for making various laws but is later implemented by the union. The other assigned role by the EU to the commission is to ensure that the union interests and citizens are observed. The commission also affects the issue which cannot be dealt with on the national level of every state. The commission ensures that it implements its plan by getting technical details through experts and the public. The European Commission also manages EU policies and also allocates funding to member states in political priorities. Together with the council of the parliament, the commission sets the spending for the European Union. After giving funds, the commission continues with the supervision of how the money disbursed is spent. Moreover, the Commission enforces the EU law through the court of justice. The court of Justice of the union ensures that the member states' presidents do not design rules that undermine the ordinary citizen. Political leadership is the main priority of the commission, whereby many members enjoy the privilege. By taking a distinct side in any political conflicts from the member states, the union ensures that law and order are observed. The political leadership of the commission is provided through a team of 27 commissioners led by the commission president. The EU has played a significant role in diplomacy by ensuring that each nation's stability is observed. Through the union's diplomatic agendas, human rights and other fundamental values are promoted by the association. The coherence and coordination of the EU to the international role is essential. The EU is guided by the Lisbon Treaty, which pushes the block to its global position. The treaty shows the union a set of principles that guide political development from the 27 member states. The association has been able to ensure that responsible neighbors are created in various nations in the world. By promoting economic partnerships and political alliances, the EU has made sure that neighboring countries stay at peace with each other. Through the accompanying political transition of many nations, the union has European Neighborhood Policy, which aims to maintain solid friendship between countries. Through...
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