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20 pages/≈5500 words
15 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Sustainable Production (Essay Sample)

The indiscriminate use of natural resources and the consequent contamination of the environment since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the middle of the 18th century have caused massive harm to the environment. In addition, the consistent use of natural resources at a pace that is faster than the rate at which such resources are being restored is a clear indication that the natural balance of the environment is being disturbed. Consequently, the planet will not be able to sustain the burden of future generations. This is something that the present generations will be held responsible for. Such a dismal picture can be improved only by taking immediate remedial measures, major amongst which is for businesses to adopt methods of sustainable production. This will lead to much lesser harm to the environment, and will check activities that pollute the environment. However, adoption of sustainable production entails major challenges and can be achieved only if concerted efforts are made by industries in streamlining their production processes in order to make them more environmentally friendly. The paper has made a detailed analysis of the topic in highlighting the objectives of sustainable production and the activities that organizations need to engage with in order to achieve sustainable production? source..
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