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Target Marketing at Wal-Mart: Demographic Segmentation (Essay Sample)


Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing. Then, you will need to complete the following list: Briefly introduce the company you have chosen. Gather examples of its activities and products that support its business model. Remember to properly cite and reference the sources of information you find. You should have at least two references from business-related or news websites. Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer markets or each of the five bases for segmenting business markets. In the company you chose, describe which of these bases for segmenting markets is used, and describe how the selected segmenting options are achieved. Examine how these factors influence the promotional strategies of your chosen company. Your essay must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines.


Target Marketing
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Target Marketing at Wal-Mart
Business-to-consumer marketing (B2C) refers to the techniques and top ways used to promote goods and services among targeted consumers. This strategy aims to match advertising information with the aimed purchaser division since various customer segments will react inversely to different marketing techniques. Business-to-consumer marketing is most operative with buyers who previously had an affirmative experience with the product or organization. An example of a business which uses this marketing technique is Wal-Mart Company with branches in many countries, and it’s headquarter situated in America. Wal-Mart engages in retail activities to its target customers aiming at customer satisfaction. The company offers a variety of activities and products to its customers who support its business model. The activities and products include monetary amenities and associated products such as currency orders, wire transfer, check payments, and bill reimbursement. We have four commonly used foundations for dividing consumer markets. The foundations include Geographic division, Demographic division, Behavioral division and Psychographic division which get discussed below.
Demographic segmentation
Demographic division splits the marketplace into divisions regarding variables such as age, domestic cycle, revenue levels, gender, and profession. Demographic aspects are the most common foundations for segmenting the customer group. The components such as customer expectations, needs, and usage rates mostly differ narrowly with the population elements. Also, population variables are more accessible to enumerate than any other category of elements (Kleindl, 2007). 
1 Age
It is the leading population related variable recommended dividing marketplaces. Several firms propose diverse products or practice into various advertising methodologies for diverse age sets. Marketplaces that are classically classified by age encompass automobiles, and foodstuffs.
2 Income
Markets also get divided on the foundation of income levels of consumers. Income is utilized to isolate the business subdivisions since it influences the overall populace's item acquisition. It impacts a customer's procuring strength and way of living. Remuneration integrates equipment, automobile, clothes, luxury merchandise, currency linked administrations, and transport gets considered when it comes to income (Ferrell & Hartline, 2011). 
3 Family cycle
Item needs vary rendering to age, some individuals in the family, marital status, and some youngsters. These factors can get joined by a single variable termed as a domestic life sequence. Home gadgets, equipment, nourishment, and vehicles are a few of the numerous items, advertise segmented by the family sequence stages. Societal class can get segregated into high society, professional group and inferior class. Many firms bargain in clothing, home-based furnishing, recreation workouts, outline goods and managements for specific societal group (Kleindl, 2007). 
Geographic Segmentation
Geographic division refers to isolating a market into numerous land divisions, for instance, nations, areas, municipal populations, or neighborhoods. For illustration, nationwide everyday papers get disseminated to multiple metropolitan zones in numerous languages to take into account the necessities of the clients (Ferrell & Hartline, 2011).  Geographical factors, for instance, landscape, average resources, and population thickness likewise influence purchaser item desires. Companies may isolate marketplaces into districts because the dissimilarities in physical factors can source shopper desires and wants to distinction beginning with single location then onto the subsequent.
Psychographic Segmentation
The division communicates in the way of living and individuality traits. On account of particular items, acquiring conduct commonly depends on upon the form of living and personality qualities (Ferrell & Hartline, 2011). 
1 Identity qualities
It refers to a man's personality attributes, dispositions, and conducts. In this area, organization subdivisions are allotted by awareness, goal-focused and power. This form of partition gets employed when a good is like various competing goods, and buyer necessities for goods are not subjective by another partition factor.
2 Way of life
It is the approach in which entities live and capitalize their energy and money. A form of lifestyle examination provides marketers with a broad viewpoint of purchasers since it portions the business divisions into the bunch of the foundation of exercises, interests, opinions, and sentiments (Kleindl, 2007).  Companies are making beauty care products, assorted drinks, and equipment preferred showcase as designated by way of life.
Behavioral Segmentation
In the behavioral division, consumers get partitioned into bunches on the ground of their awareness into, disposition towards, utilization of, or response to goods. Behavioral segment integrates segregation on the assumption of events, client position, use proportion devotion status, buyer availability time, and conduct (Kleindl, 2007). 
1 Event
Consumers can be acknowledged by the facts when they purchase an item, consume a product, or form up desire to use a good. It enables the corporation to develop the product use. For illustration, Cad's marketing to promote the item during bridal period is a case of event partition.
2 Client status
In this area, the corporation segments are apportioned on the foundation of buyer stand, that is, on the assumption of previous buyer, prospective buyer, new buyer and regular buyer of the p...
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